해변의 책사 루플레/대사
Hi, I'm Robin. I may have been on vacation in the Outrealms... But I can't turn my back on anyone who needs a sound battle strategy! | 私はルフレです。異界のリゾートにいたのですが、策が必要とあらば無視はできませんね! |
I got envious of Chrom and the others in their swimsuits, so I tried one on... Look at me now! Summoned to another world... I didn't expect that! | クロムさんたちが水着を着ていたので羨ましくて私も試してみたのですが、このまま呼び出されるとは計算外でした… |
I had so much fun at the resort! I helped out a friend with body oil, fed another one coconut brittle... I even threw lances and caught a weird creature in a tide pool! | 変な生き物を見つけたり、香油を塗ったり砂糖菓子を並べたり、槍を飛ばそうとしたり…南国はとても楽しいところでしたよ。 |
Put me on the front lines! This swimsuit may not offer much protection, I admit... But a true tactician adjusts their strategy along with their outfit! | どうか私も前線に出してくださいね。水着だからといって遠慮は要りません。装備に合わせ戦法を変えるのが軍師です! |
I'd love it if you and I took a trip to the sea together, someday... I don't have many memories, so I'd love to see something besides a battlefield. | この世界の海、連れて行ってほしいです。私、軍に入るまでの記憶がないので…いろんなものを見たいなって思うんですよ。 |
I've been keeping my eyes peeled... Seems like I'm one of the few who's dressed in so little. I feel...exposed. | 皆さんのことを見ていました…結構着込んでいらっしゃる方が多くて、なんだか少し、照れくさくなってきました。 |
친구 방문
Greetings to you from your friend [Friend]! This swimsuit? It'll throw off the enemy's concentration! Tell me, can you focus on battle right now? Nope! | [フレンド]さんから、あなたに挨拶です。…なぜ水着なのかって?これはその、相手を油断させる策です! |
레벨 업
My plan for summer fun is paying off! | 夏を楽しむ策、うまくいきましたね! |
This clothing is so light that I can move around with ease. | いつもよりも身軽な分良い動きができました! |
What I didn't factor in was sunstroke... | うう…この暑さを計算に入れていませんでした… |
You have plans for me? Great! Let's tackle the summer together! | 私を強くする策ですか?よーし、この夏は張り切っちゃいましょう! |
5성 40레벨 달성
We did a good job out there, despite the heat. Did you lose focus during the battle? No? That's good! At the resort, fighting in the heat didn't bother me one bit, but here...it does. It's strange. Maybe it's because there, I was focused on strategy! You know what I'm talking about, don't you? I'm so glad we met. It's nice to have another tactician to talk to. You understand what I'm saying... I had a great time at the resort, but I think it's even more fun to talk about strategy like this. And it doesn't hurt that you're letting me take a vacation from being a tactician during battle! I hope we can keep talking like this... Two tacticians, striving for the ultimate strategy! | 今日も暑い中頑張りましたね。戦場でぼーっとしちゃいませんでしたか?そうですか…なら良かったです! 私も南国で戦っている時は不思議と暑さを感じませんでした。きっと策に集中するおかげなのでしょうね。 ふふ…頷いてくれて嬉しいです。誰かとこういう話ができるなんて…あなたのような人と出会えてよかった。 異界のリゾートも楽しかったですが、やっぱり私はこうして策について話す時間が一番みたいです。 今は私、軍師としては夏休み中ですけど戦術を極める者同士、これからもこうしてお話しさせてくださいね。 |
てやっ | |
えぇい! |
ひゃあ!? | |
This is not good... | まずいですね… |
오의 발동
Wipeout! | 溺れてください! |
Cannonball! | 飛び込みますよ! |
Now that really sizzles! | これも夏のうちです! |
Tropical attack! | 南国アタック! |
See ya... | また、会いたいですね… |
Heehee | うふふ |
I'm not exactly dressed for battle, am I? | 水着なんて照れくさいですね |
I wonder how many of our friends like swimming? | あなたもよく海に行くんですか? |
I want to show you this weird creature I found on the beach! | 浜辺にいた変な生き物、あなたにも見せたいです |
I think we'll have a memorable summer together. | 夏の思い出、私と一緒にたくさん作りましょう |
Swimming, collecting seashells... I'll need to make a beach plan. | 泳いだり、貝殻を拾ったり…海を楽しむ策は無限大です |
Awww... My tome got all wet... | ああ…戦術書が海水でベタベタです… |
Looks like it's going to be a great summer! | こんな私でもお役に立てるなんて…ふふっ、私の読み通り、この夏は楽しくなりそうです。 |
아군 턴 터치
What's up? | はいっ |
Whew! | 暑いですね |
Where to? | 泳ぎます? |