장난치는 궁병 요파/대사


I'm Rolf, a member of the Greil Mer— er, no...a spooooky ghost! You better get yourself ready for some tricks!僕はヨファ。グレイル傭兵団の一員…じゃなくて、今の僕はお化けだよ!さあ、いたずらしちゃうぞー!

I'd love to dig into some pumpkin cake with the rest of the mercenaries. That'd be something to remember!傭兵団のみんなでカボチャのケーキを食べたいな…。きっと楽しい思い出になると思うんだ!
I bet I could skewer a pumpkin with an arrow! That'd count as practice, right? Uncle Shinon might not agree...カボチャの的を狙って弓の練習ができそうだよね。練習してシノンさんを驚かせたいな!
Come on! Let's go to the festival! We could bag a ton of treats if we go together.[召喚師]さん一緒にお祭りを回らない?いっぱいお菓子を集めようよ!
Can you imagine how great Mist would look in a harvest festival costume? I'd like to see that!ミストちゃんも収穫祭の仮装きっと似合うんじゃないかな。一度見てみたいよね!
I could go and ask Boyd for candy, but since I'm in costume... I might as well pull a trick on him! Hee-hee!ボーレにはお菓子をねだるんじゃなくてこの格好でいたずらをしちゃおうかな!ふふふ…きっとびっくりするよね。

친구 방문

Ooooo! Did I get ya? Don't worry! I'm here to deliver a harvest festival treat from [Friend]!お化けだぞー![フレンド]さんから収穫祭の贈り物を届けにきたよ!

레벨 업

Look at all this CANDY!こんなにいっぱいお菓子をもらっちゃった!
I'm a pretty spooky ghost! Aren't I?お化けになりきるのだんだん、うまくなってきた気がする!
My tricks just aren't landing!うう、いたずらするのって難しい…


Just what I wanted—a harvest festival treasure!これ、欲しかったんだ!大事にするね!

5성 40레벨 달성

Hey, [Summoner]...
Check out this haul! Have you EVER seen this much candy in one place?
The harvest festival is way too much fun! I can dress up as a ghost, and they give me CANDY too? Woo!
I never would have imagined that this much fun was even possible...
If peace came to the world, we could enjoy festivals like this whenever we wanted to, couldn't we?
I'll lend you whatever strength I've got!
Till this time next year, that is—I'll need a short break, of course. That candy won't collect itself!
[召喚師]さん見て見て! こんなにたくさんお菓子をもらっちゃった!




Can't be...そんなあ…

오의 발동

Wanna see a trick?いたずらしちゃうぞ!
Candy, please!お菓子をちょうだい!
This is a treat!お祭り、楽しいね!


Now I'm a ghost...いたずら…しすぎちゃった…


A festival where people just give candy away? Yeah, this is the best!お菓子がもらえるお祭りなんて最高だね! 楽しいなあ。
Whoa! Oh! *chuckle* You scared me! Looks like you're the real trickster...わあっ! あははっ、油断しちゃった。いたずらは君の方が上だね。
What do you think? Do I look like a real ghost?どうかな、この格好。ちゃんとお化けに見える?
Hold on for just a minute... I'm playing a trick on my brothers!しーっ、静かに! お兄ちゃんたちにいたずらしに行くんだから…
D'ya think Shinon will give me candy? Hmm... I dunno...シノンさんはお菓子くれるかな? …くれなさそうだなあ…
I wish there was a festival like this in my world too...いつか僕らの世界でも、みんなでお祭りしたいなあ。
I've got some treats to share... The biggest slice of pumpkin cake is for you!はい、お菓子! 一番大きいカボチャのケーキは君にあげるね!

아군 턴 터치

Think I'll scare 'em?びっくりした?
There's candy, right?お菓子はどこ?
More fun!お祭りだよ!

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