그림 같은 귀여움 로사도/대사


I'm Rosado, adorable royal knight of Elusia and retainer of the equally cute Hortensia! Is she already here?ロサード。イルシオンの王城兵だよ。かわいいオレの、かわいい主君…オルテンシアはもう来ているかなー。

Looking cute as ever, Summoner! I bet all your summoned Heroes will be cute too. Like me!召喚師様、今日もかわいーい!道理で召喚する英雄たちも、オレを含めみーんなかわいいはずだよねっ。
I'm not officially a retainer, but Hortensia's my friend, and it's only natural for me to protect her.オレは本当は正式な臣下じゃないんだ。学友だったオルテンシアを守りたくて、勝手についてきてるだけなんだよ。
I resemble my father, so it makes me happy when I get compliments. Like they're for him too.実はオレ、ものすごく父親似なんだー。かわいいーって褒めてくれたら、父さんも褒められたみたいで嬉しいな。
Wherever I go in Askr, there's something worth drawing! Would you like to see a landscape I did?アスク王国の景色は素晴らしいねー。何処に行っても絵の描き甲斐があるよ。オレの渾身の風景画、見たい?
I want to buy a bunch of ribbons so I can dress up the horses and wyverns. It'd be great if we all matched, huh?!リボンを沢山買いたいなー。みんなの馬や飛竜ちゃんに着けてあげて、お揃いで出撃するって、良いでしょ?

친구 방문

I hope you like this adorably decorated greeting card I made for you with [Friend]!オレと[フレンド]で、こっちのお城に挨拶状を書いたよー!かわいい挿絵もつけてあるからねー。

레벨 업

It should make me proud to be useful in battle, shouldn't it?戦に身を投じているなら、喜ぶべきなんだよね。
Cute and strong in equal measure.これぐらいの成長が、一番かわいいのかもねー。
Good thing I'm already cute.まあ、これはこれでかわいいってことでー。


You're making me even cuter?! Wow, thank you!オレをもっとかわいくしてくれたのー?えへへ、嬉しい!

5성 40레벨 달성

Hey, I'm as cute as ever, right? Maybe because I get as much food and rest as I want.
Haha... But no need to worry. I'm still training hard for battle, promise.
It won't matter how beautiful I look if it doesn't match what's on the inside. Hortensia told me that.
Which is why I keep up with my training, so I can be a refined and worthy Hero, inside and out!
I'll do my best so you remember me, even if I'm not your number one. So keep doting on me, Summoner!





오의 발동

I've had enough!もう、怒ったよ…
Are you ready?覚悟、いいよね?
I almost broke a sweat.たまには、かっこよく!


Not cute...かわいく…ないなあ…


Wow, look at you—a great hero and a summoner! Would you mind posing for a drawing?キミが大英雄たる召喚師なんだよね、すごいすごい、握手してほしいなー!
Oh! Was my ribbon off-kilter? Thanks so much!わあっ。え? オレのリボンが曲がってた? 直してくれてありがとう。
Absolutely love your outfit. Do you think I could pull off that look?その服、とってもかわいーい! 着てみたいけど、オレにも似合うかなあ?
Isn't my wyvern adorable? Her name is Camille. I'm so glad she's here with me!オレの相棒の飛竜は、カーミラちゃんっていうんだ。一緒に来られて良かったよー。
Askr's beauty is out of this world—literally! I hope my drawings will capture that.アスク王国に、様々な異界の風景…絵に描いて残しておきたい美しさだねー。
I wonder how Hortensia's doing without me. Cute and genuine as ever, I hope.オルテンシア、オレが近くにいなくて大丈夫かな…今日もかわいく元気だといいけど。
I'd say your finest quality is your eye for people. It makes me happy to help you out...while looking amazingly adorable!召喚師さまってば、お目が高いなー。これからもキミのために頑張ってあげるよ。勿論かわいく、かっこよくね。

아군 턴 터치

Tell me what to do.従順だよ

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