쌍염의 신랑 로이/대사


I am Roy, son of Eliwood, marquess of Pherae. I may only be playing the role of groom, but I'll give it my all.
...That said, I still can't believe I get to spend time with my father like this. Just look at him! He's so young!

Roy : Father, I'm not sure I can handle all this attention...ロイ : 父上、みんなから注目されて、緊張しますね……
Eliwood : It feels strange to say, but you are a fine young man, Roy. I suspect I have your mother to thank for that.エリウッド : ロイ……不思議な気分だよ。これほど健やかな子に恵まれるのは母親のおかげなのだろうね…
Roy : Whoever catches the bouquet will play the part of our brides, right? My heart's pounding out of my chest...ロイ : 最後までブーケを持っている人が、ぼくたちの花嫁役になるんですよね。うう、ドキドキしてきた……
Eliwood : I might be older than him now, but perhaps one day we will meet again, and he will be the older of us.エリウッド : たまたま僕のほうが年上だけどロイが年上の顔合わせも起こりえるということかな。
Roy : So, we hold each other's hand, then... Wait, which foot do I put forward?
The fact that you can keep track of all this is incredible, Father.
ロイ : こうして互いの手を取って……足はどちらから出せばいいですか?父上はすごいですね、何でも知っていて…

친구 방문

Eliwood : I am Eliwood, here to give my regards to both you and my future son, Roy.エリウッド : 僕はエリウッド。将来の息子であるロイと[召喚師]殿に祝福あれ。

레벨 업

Roy : I can't believe I get to fight alongside my father! I won't hold anything back!ロイ : 父上と一緒に戦えるなんて……いくらでも力が湧いてきます!
Roy : It's a bit difficult to move around in this, but I'll wear it until I meet my bride-to-be!ロイ : ちょっと動きにくい……でも花嫁役を迎えるまでは、この衣装で!
Eliwood : There's nothing to be discouraged about. Everyone starts somewhere.エリウッド : 大丈夫、何もがっかりすることはない。これからだよ。


Eliwood : Thank you. I will do my utmost to live up to your expectations.エリウッド : ありがとう。受けた期待に応えられるよう力を尽くしていくよ。

5성 40레벨 달성

Eliwood : It's about time, isn't it? I'm supposed to be acting as a guardian, so you'll be playing the role of a groom, Roy.
Roy : I'm not sure if I can do this... It seems like I know all of the people who are competing for the bouquet.
Eliwood : Ah, yes, that does appear to be the case. Hopefully that means your special someone is among them.
Roy : W-wait! Hold on! Don't tell anyone! You can't! Please, I'm begging you!
Eliwood : Don't worry, I won't tell a soul. We made a promise between future father and future son, after all.
...Oh! Do you hear that? It sounds like the bells have started ringing.
Roy : That almost makes it sound like a real wedding... Wait, why are you pushi— Father, please! Just one more minute!
エリウッド : そろそろ時間かな。僕は後見人のつもりだったから、ロイが主役の花婿だね。
ロイ : …緊張します。闘技大会でブーケを取り合うのはぼくの知っている人たちみたいで…
エリウッド : ははあ、そういうことか。ロイの好きな人が待っているといいね。
ロイ : う、わ……それ!誰にも言っちゃだめ!だめですよ!
エリウッド : もちろんだよ、男と男の約束だからね。ほら、鐘の音が聞こえてきたよ。
ロイ : なんだか本当の結婚式みたいな……ああっ、押さないでください、心の準備が!押さないで父上ーっ!!


Take that!これで!


At this rate...このままじゃ…
It's no use...いけないな…

오의 발동

Duo : A pledge of love!二人 : 愛を誓おう
Duo : We'll protect you! Always!二人 : 君を守るよ 永遠に
Roy : For our loved ones.ロイ : 大切な人のために
Eliwood : For those we care about.エリウッド : 愛する者のために


Oh no…it's ruined!衣装が…ごめんよ……


• "Where's Mother?"
• "Oh, I don't know..."

아군 턴 터치

Shall we proceed?エスコートしなくちゃ
Shall we?一緒にいこう

공격시 후위 서포트

You can do this.お前ならやれる
It's your time to shine!見事戦ってこい!

비익/쌍계 스킬

• "Father!"
• "Right here."
• "Let's settle this."
• "I'm with you."

비익/쌍계 대화

Roy : Hmm... How should this look? Does this go…here?ロイ : うーん…これでいいのかな?よくわからないな…
Eliwood : The festival's about to begin, Roy. Are you ready yet?エリウッド : ロイ、何をしているんだい?祭りが始まってしまうよ。
Roy : Sorry, Father. Not quite. I've never worn anything like this before. It's a bit much for me.ロイ : すみません、父上。こういう衣装は初めてなので手間取ってしまって。
What do you think? Does this look right to you?どうですか?おかしくないですか?
Eliwood : It looks great. You wear it so well, I can scarcely believe you are my son.エリウッド : とてもよく似合ってるよ。さすが僕の息子、というべきなのかな。
But that says more about me than you. Fatherhood still feels premature to me—I'm not even married yet.でも不思議な気分だな。今の僕は息子どころか、結婚もまだなのだから。
Roy : But you're in love with Mother, aren't you? Tell me, what do you like most about her?ロイ : 父上は、母上のどんなところが好きになったんですか?
Eliwood : Hmm... I suppose it's her strength I most admire, and her kindness I most adore.エリウッド : えっ? そうだな…やっぱり心がとても強くて優しいところかな。
Roy : It seems I do take after you. I feel the same way about someone in my life.ロイ : 心が…なるほど、わかる気がします。ぼくが気になっている人も…
Eliwood : Is that so? I would love to meet this person who means so much to you.エリウッド : そうなのかい?ぜひ会ってみたいな。
Roy : I'm not sure if that will happen at the festival, but...I guess we'll see.ロイ : この祭りに参加しているかはわかりませんけど…それに、なんだか恥ずかしいし…
Eliwood : The possibility seems to make you nervous. Is it because you happen to be dressed as a bridegroom?エリウッド : 花婿の格好をしているからかい?将来を想像してしまうから?
Roy : Maybe, though marriage is a long way off for me yet.ロイ : ぼくは結婚なんてまだ先のことですけど、でも、いつかはと思うと…
Eliwood : You're a fine young man, Roy...so fine I sometimes forget how young.エリウッド : ふふっ、ロイはしっかりしているけれど、年相応のところもあるんだね。
Just think of today as a bit of practice. Enjoy yourself!いいじゃないか。今日は予行演習だと思って楽しもう。
Roy : All right, now I really am nervous.ロイ : は、はい。何だか緊張してきました…
Eliwood : Relax. I'm right here with you. Come on, let's get going.エリウッド : 大丈夫、僕がついているよ。さあ、行こう!

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