젊은 사자 로이/대사


My name is Roy. I've come on behalf of my father, Eliwood of Pherae. I may be young, but I'll do my best.ぼくはロイ。若輩者だけど、父であるフェレ侯爵エリウッドの代理でここに来たんだ。よろしくね。

There are so many amazing Heroes to be found here. I'll learn so much from all of them.この世界には、大勢の素晴らしい英雄たちがいる…学べることがたくさんあるよ。
Lilina is a great friend of mine, from way back when we were children. We studied together in Ostia.リリーナとは幼馴染なんだよ。オスティアへの留学も一緒に行っていたんだ。
You have my gratitude—you know that, right? Thanks to you, we can all fight as one.いつもありがとう。きみがいてくれるから、ぼくたちは一つになって戦えるんだ。
Cecilia taught me the art of battle. I wonder where you got your great skills, [Summoner].ぼくの戦術の先生はセシリアさんなんだ。[召喚師]はその戦術をどこで学んだの?
I've been reading a book about this world's history. Found it right here in the castle. Fascinating stuff.ああ、この本?この城にあった歴史書だよ。この世界のことも学んでおきたくてね。

친구 방문

Hello there. My name is Roy. I've come with greetings from [Friend].こんにちは。ぼくはロイ。[フレンド]からあなたへの挨拶を預かってきたんだ。

레벨 업

Now that's the spirit!よし!この調子で行こう!
That's fine, but I'll need to push myself harder.まあまあかな。これからもがんばろう。
I must try to do much better than that!ぼくはもっと…強くなってみせる…!


Thank you. I'm inexperienced in many ways. This will help.ぼくはまだまだ未熟者だ。だから、もっと成長したい。

5성 40레벨 달성

I must become as strong as I can to ensure that I can keep this and all other good worlds safe.
I want everyone to find their happy endings in life. But to do that, there's still much I need to learn.
On the bright side, I feel that I have learned so much just by being near you, [Summoner].
I don't mean only about battle tactics but also about you—where you're from and what inspires you.
I hope that you and I will forever be good friends. Know that you can always depend on me.




I can't lose...負けられない…

오의 발동

I will win!勝つんだ
There's my opening!そこだ!
By my blade!この剣で!
I won't lose. I won't!ぼくは負けない


Forgive me...みんな、すまない…


Did you need me for something?どうかしたかい?
You know...if you ever want my attention, just call for me!えっと…困ったな…
I think we can work very well together. Don't you?力を合わせよう
I know I can rely on you completely.頼りにさせてもらうよ
For those I must protect...I cannot lose!守るべき者のために
I have faith in the goodness of humankind. No matter what.僕は、人の可能性を信じる
I'm with you—all the way!僕がついてるよ

아군 턴 터치

Let's go.さあ、行こう!

공격 - 신장


피격 - 신장


오의 발동 - 신장

My new power!新しい力で!
Nifl, grant me strength!ニフルの力よ…!
Freeze and shatter!砕け散れ!
Victory is mine!勝たせてもらうよ!

패배 - 신장

So cold...寒い…な…

상태창 - 신장

This outfit is from Nifl. What do you think? Am I wearing it well?これはニフル王国の衣装なんだ。どうかな? 似合うかい?
Whoa! Your hands are cold as ice. Are you feeling OK?うわっ…! 大丈夫? 君の手、すごく冷たいよ。
Were I to visit Nifl, I suppose the first thing I would do is... Have a snowball fight with my friends!ニフルに行けたら? そうだな…みんなで雪遊びがしたいな。
My father would be pleased to see how close I've grown to so many different countries and cultures.ぼくがいろんな文化に触れられることを、父上はきっとお喜びになると思うよ。
Prince Hríd's family is huge! I bet the fun times never end when they all get together.フリーズ王子には兄妹がたくさんいて、賑やかで楽しそうだね。
*shiver* These clothes aren't as warm as they look...は、はっくしょん! …ごめん。この衣装、ちょっとひんやりするんだ…
With you by my side, I can bear any wind no matter how chilling.どんなに凍えそうな風の中でも、君と一緒ならきっと歩いて行ける。

아군 턴 터치 - 신장

I see.なるほど…
Like this.こうかな
Not too cold?寒いのは平気?

캐릭터 페이지로