지식의 근원 룬/대사


I am Rune. The Celestial King is after me. That is why I fled Ásgarðr...ぼくはルーンといいます。天の王に追われて、アースガルズから逃げてきました…

Midgard...the world of mortals... This is a place I have only heard of in stories and legends.ここがミズガルズ…人間たちの世界なんですね。物語でしか知らなかった場所です。
The celestial realm of Ásgarðr is ruled by Alfaðör, the king of heaven.アースガルズは、天の神の世界。偉大なる功績で称えられる天の王が統治する国です。
There exist mysterious writings that tell of all creation. I wonder who wrote them...世界創世に関わるという不思議な文字…いったい誰が書いたのでしょう?とても気になります。
It is said that there is one creator of all the nine worlds. For what purpose would they do this...かつて、九の世界すべては一人の創造主によって創られたそうです。どんな目的だったのでしょうか…?
Ásgarðr and Vanaheimr are both realms of gods. One day, I would like to visit Vanaheimr, the realm of light.天の国アースガルズと、光の国ヴァナは神々の世界とされています。いつか、ぼくもヴァナに行ってみたいです。

친구 방문

Hello. I am Rune. I offer you greetings from [Friend].こんにちは、ぼくはルーンといいます。[フレンド]さんからご挨拶を預かってきました。

레벨 업

One day...I want to be able to fight like the gods and heroes from the stories I have heard.ぼくもいつか、物語の神々や英雄のように…
Is it even possible for someone like me to fight like a hero?ぼくが、英雄みたいに戦えてるなんて…
I knew it... I am sorry...やっぱりぼくは…す、すみません…


Th-thank you! With this, do you think I can learn to fight?あ、ありがとうございます。これでぼくも、少し戦えるようになったでしょうか…?

5성 40레벨 달성

I have been weak since I was little... I never went outside much.
The only comfort I felt was from the legendary stories I read... Stories of heroic adventures.
There was one... The Twilit Runes. It told of a great battle between the gods and the heroes...
Reading it, I imagined myself as a hero in battle. I want to have an adventure like that one day...
When I am with you, I feel excited for our adventures together. Would you mind if I stay with you awhile longer?





오의 발동

Pardon me...すみません…!
What should I...どうすれば…
I have no choice!こうするしか…!


Still weak...ぼくは…まだ…


I fled from the celestial realm of Ásgarðr... I am Rune.ぼくはルーンといいます。天の国アースガルズから逃げてきました…
*gasp* Oh, I am sorry. Did I make a mistake?わわっ…!? ご、ごめんなさい…ぼく、何かしましたか?
I know where I came from, but... I am no god.ぼくは…神と呼ばれるような力は何も…
Throughout the nine worlds, there are mysterious writings that tell of all creation.この九の世界には、世界創世に関わるとされる不思議な文字があります…
I came to realize I am able to decipher some of the writing, but...only a small part.気がついたら、ぼくはそれを読むことができたんです。ほんの一部だけ…
Alfaðör is the king of heaven. He...is after me...天の王アルフォズル…あの人は、ぼくの命を…
I am interested in learning more about you. Do you mind if I stay?あなたのこと、すごく興味があります。傍にいてもいいですか?

아군 턴 터치

What now?どうしましょうか?
I will try.がんばってみます

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