용병 사구에 가다 세이버/대사
I'm Saber, a wandering mercenary. It's odd to see a festival in the desert like this. Think I'll relax here a bit. | 俺はセーバー。流しの傭兵ってとこだ。砂漠の真ん中で祭りとは風変わりだな。せっかくだ、息抜きでもさせてもらうか。 |
Look at that—an accessory with a desert flower on it. Guess I should pick this up for the little lass, eh? | 砂漠の花をあしらったアクセサリーか。なかなか珍しいな、お嬢ちゃんに土産でも買っていってやるか。 |
The desert south of the Temple of Mila in Zofia was littered with thieves. That place was dangerous. | ソフィア王国のミラ神殿の南にもデカい砂漠があったな……。盗賊もうろついてて物騒な場所だったぜ。 |
The prince of Jehanna left the castle to work as a mercenary? Heh! Now that guy's eccentric. | ジャハナの王子様は城を出て傭兵をやってんのかい?そりゃまたずいぶんと物好きだな。 |
I guess it makes sense to dress for the desert if you're gonna be in one. When in Jehanna, am I right? | 郷に入っては郷に従え。砂まみれの国で過ごすならそれなりの格好をしないとな。 |
My client says "frozen wasteland," I go to a frozen wasteland. If they say "desert," guess where I go? It's simple. | 傭兵は戦う場所を選べない。砂漠だろうが凍土だろうが雇い主が行けというなら行くまでだ。 |
친구 방문
I was sent to tell you the Jehanna festival's a real hit. Said so by [Friend]. | あんたが[召喚師]か?[フレンド]はジャハナの祭りを満喫してるぜ。 |
레벨 업
I got a little more carried away than I usually do. Is this what it means to get caught up in the festivities? | 柄にもなく張り切っちまった。祭りの空気に当てられたってやつか? |
I'm taking some time to relax. Don't go stomping out my fire now. | こっちは祭りで息抜きしてんだ。水を差されるのはごめんだぜ。 |
This heat is doing me in. I'm gettin' too old for this. | 砂漠の熱にやられるなんざ俺も焼きが回ったか? |
Is this how you host a visitor of Jehanna? Gotta say, I don't hate it! | これがジャハナ流のもてなしかい?いいね、嫌いじゃないぜ! |
5성 40레벨 달성
I am a mercenary. As long as I'm paid, I'll do any job, go anywhere— Well... I'd rather not go to an icy land where my fingers freeze off, or a scorching land where the sun blurs my vision. But I do like this Jehanna festival. I can really feel the spirit of the desert people who live in such a harsh land. All I wanted was to get a little bit of relaxation here, but... Before I knew it, I was part of the festivities, even pumping others up too. If ya invite me to this festival again, I might lend a hand free of charge. Heh! Never thought I'd say that. | 俺は傭兵だ。金さえもらえればどんな仕事だって引き受けるしどんな場所にだって行く。 指先まで凍えちまう極寒の地や強烈な日差しで目もくらむ灼熱の地。できれば、遠慮したい場所もあるがな。 しかし、このジャハナの祭りは気に入った。過酷な砂の大地とともに生きていく砂漠の民の心意気を感じるぜ。 最初はほんの息抜きがわりに祭りに参加したようなものだったが…。 気がついたら俺も一緒になって祭りを盛り上げちまってた。 また、ジャハナの祭りに呼んでくれ。そのときはタダで力を貸してもいいぜ。 |
- | おらっ |
- | どぉれ! |
- | おっと…! |
- | なんてこった… |
오의 발동
How's this?! | こいつでどうだ! |
Move it! | 邪魔すんなよ |
It's a brawl! | そら、勝負だ! |
Is that your best? | それで本気か? |
Damn... | 参ったな… |
Mm, mm, mmm... | へっ |
Was it really a good idea to invite me to this festival? | 祭りに招待するのが俺なんかでよかったのか? |
Oop! The festival is meant to be fun, but you're getting carried away. | おっと…! おいおい、祭りだからって浮かれすぎだ。 |
I was born in the north, so I don't have much love for heat. | 俺の生まれは北の方なんでな。暑いのは苦手だぜ… |
Never met a mercenary that looked the least bit trustworthy. | 傭兵ってのはどいつもこいつも食えない面してやがる。 |
Word is the queen of Jehanna is a good woman. | ジャハナの女王様ってのはたいそういい女らしいじゃねえか。 |
Every now and then, I'll free myself from the lass's grip and take some time to relax. | たまにはお嬢ちゃんから解放されて羽根を伸ばすとするかね。 |
I offer up this victory to you... Hahaha! Did you think I was serious? | お前にこの勝利を捧げるぜ。なぁんてな。 |
아군 턴 터치
Of course. | はいよっと |
Uh-huh. | へえ… |
My time to shine. | 出番だな |