백야의 폭염닌자 사이조/대사
I am here—Saizo, fifth of my line. As a representative of Hoshido, I will show you what it is to be a ninja. | 忍者、五代目サイゾウ……只今参上。白夜王国に仕える者として忍たる者の技をお目にかけよう。 |
I am Saizo, fifth in my line to bear that name. I am always at the ready. | 俺は五代目サイゾウ。いつでも準備は出来ている。 |
A true ninja is always on their guard. Those who act with ill intent could take advantage of a festival. For example. | 真の忍は常に警戒を解かぬもの。祭りの騒ぎに紛れて邪心の輩が潜入するかもしれんからな。 |
Lord Ryoma will one day rule Hoshido. It is our task as ninja to ensure his reign is long. | リョウマ様は王となられる。我ら白夜の忍は、その影となり治世を管掌する役目を負うのだ。 |
Wha— What exactly is this "ninja food" they're serving at this festival? ...And why is it so sweet? | むっ…こ、これは…!甘いではないか!誰だ、俺の保存丸に砂糖をまぶしたのは…! |
I see now... The festival is a ruse. The true goal is imparting ninja arts while assessing individual talents... | なるほど、祭りという名目を掲げて臣民による自己防衛の意識を高め、さらには適性をはかっているのだな…… |
친구 방문
I've come to deliver a message from [Friend]. With this, my mission is complete. Farewell! | [召喚師]だな。[フレンド]からの挨拶だ。これで用は済んだ……さらば! |
레벨 업
They never had a chance to escape. | 我が手から逃れられるとでも思ったか。 |
Ninjutsu is nothing to play at. | 遊びではないぞ。 |
Has the festival food gotten to me? | どうしたサイゾウ、寝ぼけているのか。 |
I will leave no trace. | 委細承知。 |
5성 40레벨 달성
I did not come to tell others their approach to being a ninja is wrong. Such a self-centered way of thinking is not part of what it means to be a ninja to me. I myself—though I strove to keep my mind unclouded by selfishness— was once consumed by revenge... I led a life that took me away from what one might expect of a ninja. This festival has given me a chance to reflect back on the path I've taken. The path that led here. And you have let me see what being a ninja means to...people from worlds beyond imagining, it seems. For that, I thank you. The lessons I've learned here will be passed down to Saizo the Sixth, and so will outlive us both. | 忍に私心は無用……と他者を律するほどの人物では俺はなかった。 冷徹であろうと努めはするが……復讐のために、そして己の忠誠心に俺は自分のすべてを懸けてきた。 こうして日々の修羅場から離れ、市井の者たちが思い描く忍の姿に触れることも、その余裕もなかった。 忍とは何か…見つめ直す良い機会となった。礼を言おう、[召喚師]。 このサイゾウ、技にさらに磨きをかけ……いずれ六代目を育て上げ、披露しに来よう。そのときまで、互いに達者でな。 |
- | はあっ |
- | たああっ |
- | うっ… |
- | やるな… |
오의 발동
I never miss. | 手は抜かんぞ |
Just you watch. | 見せてやる |
You're weak. | 甘いな |
On my honor! | 誇りにかけて! |
A damn festival... | 祭り…ごときで… |
- | ふっ |
They couldn't find any other ninja to teach them our ways? Really? | 忍びについて教えてくれと頼まれた。まったく、なぜ俺が… |
*startle* Do you think I wear a blade on my arm because I like to be touched? | …! 軽々しく触るな。この腕の刃が見えないのか? |
*groan* What the hell is a Sparkling Shuriken? | 誰だ、妙な掛け声を流行らせたのは!? |
You're offering me...sweets? No thanks. | 祭りの菓子を食えだと? いや、俺はいい… |
Where is Kaze? I can't do everything on my own. | スズカゼはどこだ! 俺一人では手に負えん。 |
Look at all of these naive fools. They're so...happy. | ふん。どいつもこいつも呑気なものだ… |
All right. I'll teach you the way of the ninja. But I won't go easy on you. | お前にも我々のしきたりを叩き込んでやる。覚悟するがいい。 |
아군 턴 터치
In position. | 承知 |
Well? | どうする? |
Come on. | 行ってやる |