백야의 폭염닌자 사이조/대사


I am here—Saizo, fifth of my line. As a representative of Hoshido, I will show you what it is to be a ninja.忍者、五代目サイゾウ……只今参上。白夜王国に仕える者として忍たる者の技をお目にかけよう。

I am Saizo, fifth in my line to bear that name. I am always at the ready.俺は五代目サイゾウ。いつでも準備は出来ている。
A true ninja is always on their guard. Those who act with ill intent could take advantage of a festival.
For example.
Lord Ryoma will one day rule Hoshido. It is our task as ninja to ensure his reign is long.リョウマ様は王となられる。我ら白夜の忍は、その影となり治世を管掌する役目を負うのだ。
Wha— What exactly is this "ninja food" they're serving at this festival? ...And why is it so sweet?むっ…こ、これは…!甘いではないか!誰だ、俺の保存丸に砂糖をまぶしたのは…!
I see now... The festival is a ruse. The true goal is imparting ninja arts while assessing individual talents...なるほど、祭りという名目を掲げて臣民による自己防衛の意識を高め、さらには適性をはかっているのだな……

친구 방문

I've come to deliver a message from [Friend].
With this, my mission is complete. Farewell!

레벨 업

They never had a chance to escape.我が手から逃れられるとでも思ったか。
Ninjutsu is nothing to play at.遊びではないぞ。
Has the festival food gotten to me?どうしたサイゾウ、寝ぼけているのか。


I will leave no trace.委細承知。

5성 40레벨 달성

I did not come to tell others their approach to being a ninja is wrong.
Such a self-centered way of thinking is not part of what it means to be a ninja to me.
I myself—though I strove to keep my mind unclouded by selfishness— was once consumed by revenge...
I led a life that took me away from what one might expect of a ninja.
This festival has given me a chance to reflect back on the path I've taken. The path that led here.
And you have let me see what being a ninja means to...people from worlds beyond imagining, it seems.
For that, I thank you.
The lessons I've learned here will be passed down to Saizo the Sixth, and so will outlive us both.





오의 발동

I never miss.手は抜かんぞ
Just you watch.見せてやる
You're weak.甘いな
On my honor!誇りにかけて!


A damn festival...祭り…ごときで…


They couldn't find any other ninja to teach them our ways? Really?忍びについて教えてくれと頼まれた。まったく、なぜ俺が…
*startle* Do you think I wear a blade on my arm because I like to be touched?…! 軽々しく触るな。この腕の刃が見えないのか?
*groan* What the hell is a Sparkling Shuriken?誰だ、妙な掛け声を流行らせたのは!?
You're offering me...sweets? No thanks.祭りの菓子を食えだと? いや、俺はいい…
Where is Kaze? I can't do everything on my own.スズカゼはどこだ! 俺一人では手に負えん。
Look at all of these naive fools. They're so...happy.ふん。どいつもこいつも呑気なものだ…
All right. I'll teach you the way of the ninja. But I won't go easy on you.お前にも我々のしきたりを叩き込んでやる。覚悟するがいい。

아군 턴 터치

In position.承知
Come on.行ってやる

캐릭터 페이지로