현자의 봄축제 사레프/대사


I am Saleh, from the village of Caer Pelyn. Let us celebrate the coming of spring, and build a world of harmony.私はポカラの里のサレフ。春の到来は調和する世界の象徴。清く大いなる想いをここに祝おう。

I come from Caer Pelyn. It is very remote, and the people there enjoy simple lives.
A festival as extravagant as this would be beyond imagining to the people there. What a marvel!
My life's purpose is to defend Myrrh, the Great Dragon. Even here at this festival, that purpose does not waver.私の使命はミルラ様をお守りすること。祭りの最中であっても、その使命に揺るぎはない。
When all creation aligns in harmony, the blessings of spring come upon us. This cycle of rebirth is never-ending.世界の調和があってこそ人々は春の恵みを享受できる。この流れを絶やしてはならないのだ。
Gerik would enjoy this festival... Perhaps I should have invited him.
He has become a dear friend. I will forever be thankful he was able to overcome his hatred of me.
If my apprentice, Ewan, were here, he would almost certainly lose himself in the revelry of this festival.弟子のユアンならばこういう祭りも好むことだろう。ハメを外しすぎないかが心配だが…。

친구 방문

Spring tidings to you! I come with a missive from [Friend].[フレンド]より親書を預かってきた。空と大地が育んだ春の便り、受け取っていただきたい。

레벨 업

Excellent! May this power bring the festival even more joy.よい結果だ。祭りに携わる者たちも互いに幸に恵まれんことを…。
Let the blessings of spring wash over us all.春の恵みに格別の感謝を。
My apologies. I did not wish to put a damper on the festivities...祭りに水を差してしまったか…。


Truth lives within the heart, as does strength.真実とは心の中にある。強さもまた、心の内より出でるもの。

5성 40레벨 달성

Ah, it is you, [Summoner].
I was practicing Valega, the ritual of knowing and feeling harmony, of finding one's self within the whole.
With enough dedication, it is said that the rite can guide one to their most noble and pure self.
It also reminds me of home. Valega has been taught for generations in the village of Caer Pelyn.
In many ways, I find the spring festival of Askr to be much the same...
Both are passed down as a tradition, both honor harmony in nature, and both remind their followers of home.
It brings me great joy to have a part in keeping such an event alive and vibrant.
Thank you for celebrating with me. When spring comes again, I will remember this day.





오의 발동

Spring has arrived.春です
Blessings of the land.大地の恵みよ…
Open your eyes.目を覚ますといい
Bathe in warmth.暖かいな


Am I...dreaming?まだ…寝ぼけているのか…


The spring festival... A time to give thanks for all of creation's blessings.春の祭か。恵みを与えてくれる森羅万象に感謝せねば。
Oh, sorry. I was distracted. This really is quite a festival.…!? おや、油断した。私も少しは浮かれているのかな。
I have never used a weapon like this... But I will do my best.このような武器を手にするのは初めてだが…努力はしよう。
Align your desires with the world around you. By knowing the vastness of creation, you will come to know yourself.空と大地と気の調和を知り、己を見つめ、世界を見つめる…
I am...unused to such extravagant clothes.華美な衣装を身にまとうのは慣れていない。
Dragons and humans both share a love of spring. Such similarities help us live together peacefully.人も竜も、春を喜ぶ気持ちは同じ。我らは共に生きていけるはずだ…
The Great Dragon is having a wonderful time at the festival. And we have you to thank!ミルラ様も大層祭りを楽しんでおられる。お前のおかげだな。

아군 턴 터치

Spring forth!春だな
What lovely weather.いい気候だ

캐릭터 페이지로