암흑마도사 세일럼/대사


I am Salem. I was once a priest of Loptr, but I have chosen a new path.私はセイラム。かつて、ロプトの神官だった……だがいまは、ただの…セイラムだ。

The Loptr Church's laws are clear. They will not suffer a traitor. It's a miracle that I was saved.……教団は裏切り者を許さない。それが掟だからだ。私が助かったのは、奇跡のようなものだ。
They would burn you at the stake if they discovered you were a follower of the Loptr faith.
Believers were forced to flee to the desert and hide underground.
It's time for a shift change. I'll go stand watch.そろそろ交代の時間だ。見張りに立ってこよう。
Evil is everywhere. But evil by itself has no power. People can choose not to follow that path.邪悪はどこにでもある。だが、自ら堕ちることはない。人には選択する意思があるのだ…
Nighttime can be dangerous. Watch out for yourself, and get some rest.夜は危険だ。身の用心をして、休むのがよい。

친구 방문

Oh... I'm Salem. I'm an acquaintance of [Friend].あ、ああ……私はセイラム。[フレンド]の知人だ……

레벨 업

All those who stand with us, draw your swords! Evil will not have its way!我らと志を同じくする者は剣を引け!悪いようにはしない!
To your rest.安らかな眠りを……
Who am I meant to be? What is my purpose?私は何者であるべきなのか…我が意思は何処に…


Who you are should not be determined based on a single choice you make. I think I have to believe that.一度きりの選択で己のすべてを決めつける必要はない。私は、そう信じてみたかったのか……

5성 40레벨 달성

It's said that the Loptr Church is an evil group that worships the dark god Loptous, but it isn't that simple.
The church's founder, Bishop Gair, destroyed Grann and established the Loptr Church and empire.
There are those who wish to revive the empire, to take revenge on the 12 crusaders who brought it down.
The church, the empire... They were things I could believe in at a time when all I knew was poverty.
In time, it stopped making sense, so I ran away.
Please understand—not everyone in the church is an enemy of the world.





오의 발동

It is all right now.もう大丈夫だ
Turn from wickedness.悪さはするな
To your rest.安らかな眠りを…


I have no regrets...選択に…後悔はない……


I am Salem. I was once a priest of Loptr, but I have embarked on a different path.私はセイラム。かつてはロプトの神官だったが、今は離れた身だ。
Ah. I am not yet used to your humor.…! すまない、そういう戯れには慣れていなくて…
The Loptr Church will not suffer a traitor. That is law.ロプト教団は裏切り者を許さない。それが掟だ…
The church no longer made sense to me. I can tell you no more.わからなくなった…教団を抜けた理由は、それだけだ…
Perne is a thief but he is not wicked. As long as that holds true, he has my aid.パーンは盗賊だが邪悪ではない。そうである限りは共にいるつもりだ。
Sara can wield the Kia Staff... She is Archbishop Manfroy's granddaughter, so it is no surprise.マンフロイ大司教の孫であるサラ様ならキアの杖を使える…そういうことか…
I do not yet fully understand you. But for now, I will join you. I do not have much choice, do I?お前のことはまだよく分からないが協力しよう。今はそれしかあるまい…

아군 턴 터치

Very well.ああ
What now?どうする?
It will be done.私がやろう

캐릭터 페이지로