새벽에 맹세하는 쌍닌 사나키/대사


Shh... Hush, you! At present, I am no empress of Begnion, but a ninja of justice! I protect the peace!しっ……黙っておれ!今のわたしはベグニオン皇帝ではない――人々の平和を守る、正義の忍じゃ!!

Sanaki : People are fragile... Which is precisely why they must learn to have strength. Do you not think so, Micaiah?サナキ : 人は弱い……なればこそ、強く在らねばならん。そうじゃの、姉上。
Sanaki : A ninja... If only I had such a person at my disposal, perhaps then I might have quelled the senate's rampage.サナキ : しかし、ニンジャか……かような役どころが手元におれば、元老院の暴走を押しとどめることも出来たのかのう…
Micaiah : It's about time for the festivities! Shall we take a short break? Participation in a festival takes ample strength.ミカヤ : そろそろ一休みしましょうか?お祭りだって身体が要ですからね。
Sanaki : I want to take this time to truly know you, Micaiah. I suspect that will be of import for Begnion and Daein as well.サナキ : この機会に姉上と交流を深めたい。それはベグニオンとデインのためにもなるであろうからな!
Micaiah : Hrah...yah! Hmm... Shuriken don't fly as I thought they would. If only Sothe were here. He'd have just the thing.ミカヤ : それっ…えいっ…。…手裏剣って思ったように飛ばないのね。サザがいればうまく教えてくれたかも。

친구 방문

Sanaki : Urgh... There's nothing to be done if we've been detected. Our infiltration training is over. Let's away, Micaiah!サナキ : うぬ…見つかってしまってはしかたない。潜入訓練はこれで仕舞いじゃ。脱出するぞ姉上!

레벨 업

Sanaki : Aha! It hit the mark! Micaiah, you must observe this technique!サナキ : 決まったのじゃ……!姉上見てくだされ、この手裏剣の技!シュシュシュ!
Sanaki : Stand down! Your ill-intentioned deeds are over!サナキ : 控えおろう!そなたたちの悪行もこれまでじゃ!!
Micaiah : Keep your head up, Sanaki. We are improving slowly but surely.ミカヤ : 胸を張って、サナキ。大丈夫、少しずつ成長しているわ。


Micaiah : Let us unite in strength and mold this world into one of peace, together.ミカヤ : ふたりの力を合わせて平和な世界をつくりましょうね。

5성 40레벨 달성

Sanaki : I can scarcely believe how incapable my body is of following my wishes. I can't seem to move like you, Micaiah.
Micaiah : I spent my life running between alleys and the underground... I'm bound to have a bit more endurance than you.
Sanaki : It may not appear to be the case, but I've done my fair share of training with Sigrun, Tanith, and a few others.
Micaiah : You mean to say you've been doing special ninja training with members of the Holy Guard?
Sanaki : To train, we've been swatting at fast-growing ivy in the mornings. At times it's so tall, Tanith must lift me.
Micaiah : We are quite similar, you and I. We both take these festivals seriously and are earnest in our pursuits.
Sanaki : Yes, well...er...we are sisters after all! Though, I simply figured if I was going to participate, I may as well go all in.
Micaiah : That's one of your best qualities. You are incredibly decisive and have such strong convictions—a true ruler.
Sanaki : Well...this conversation has taken a turn, but I quite enjoy being with you. Shall we continue this discourse?
Micaiah : Of course, not only for our sakes but for Begnion's and Daein's as well. But we must watch those sneaky shadows.
サナキ : はあっ……自分の身体がこんなにも思い通り動かぬものとは。姉上のようにはいかんものじゃの。
ミカヤ : 私は路地裏や地下道を走り回っていたから……サナキより体力があって当然よ。
サナキ : これでもシグルーンやタニスらとそれなりに特訓しているのじゃがな。
ミカヤ : 親衛隊の方々と……忍者の特訓を?
サナキ : よく伸びるツタの頭を毎朝はたくとかのう…七日もするとタニスに背負ってもらわぬと届かないほど伸びよったが……
ミカヤ : お祭りの遊びにも本気で取り組む。とてもきまじめで、負けず嫌い……やっぱり私たち、似ているのね。
サナキ : それは、その……姉妹じゃもの!どうせやるなら本格的にと考えただけのことではあるが…
ミカヤ : それがあなたの素敵なところだと思うの。何事に対しても妥協しない信念と決断力。国を治める者の矜持…勉強になるわ。
サナキ : な、なにやら難しい話になってきたが姉上と一緒にいるのは、心地よい……これからも色々と交流してくれるか?
ミカヤ : もちろん、デインとベグニオンのためにも。あっ……でも、柱の陰からこちらを見ているおふたりが心配しない程度にね。





오의 발동

Duo : Accept your fate!二人 : これで終わり!
Duo : We strike... As one!二人 : いくのじゃ! ええ!
Sanaki : We have you now!サナキ : 逃がさぬわ!
Micaiah : Steel yourself!ミカヤ : 覚悟なさい!




"Stealth is rather thrilling!" "Shh! You'll get us spotted!"「隠密行動、わくわくするのう!」「しーっ! 見つかってしまうわ」

아군 턴 터치

Shall we proceed?任せるのじゃ!
Softly now.そーっと…

공격시 후위 서포트

Give it your all!がんばってね
Be careful!怪我はしないで…

비익/쌍계 스킬

"We cannot..." "Be stopped!"「我らは」「無敵よ!」
"This is..." "Your end!"「これで」「仕留める!」

비익/쌍계 대화

Sanaki : Excellent. Now that I've slipped in undetected, all that remains is to reach out and take...サナキ : …よし。気づかれてはおらぬようじゃ。このままお宝まで近づいて…
Micaiah : Found you!ミカヤ : サナキ、見つけた。
Sanaki : Blast! That is the third time in a row you've caught me! What gave the game away this time?サナキ : なんと!? また見つかってしまった。これで三戦三敗…
I suppose that is a foolish question to ask a diviner. You looked into the future, didn't you?さすがは姉上、これも姉上のお力…?
Micaiah : Not at all. I merely took the time to familiarize myself with all the little nooks and crannies in this place.ミカヤ : まさか。ただ周囲を慎重に観察してただけ。
More by force of habit than anything else, admittedly. I needed that sort of awareness to survive, growing up.私は人目を忍んで生きてきたから…。こういうのは得意なの。
Sanaki : Ah... Of course. I can scarcely imagine the trials you must have endured in those years...サナキ : そ、そうか…今まで、苦労されたのじゃな…
Micaiah : Now, now, none of that. It's all behind us.ミカヤ : まあ、暗い顔をしないで。すべて昔のことよ。
Right now, I'm at a festival with my sister—and I couldn't be happier.今はとっても幸せ。こうしてあなたとお祭りにも来られたんだもの。
It reminds me of festivals back home, though. I'd often see brothers and sisters leading each other around.ほら、お祭りで小さなきょうだいが手を繋いで歩いてたりするでしょう?
It used to make me envious, seeing siblings holding hands, enjoying their time together as family.ああいうの、ちょっと憧れてたの。いいなあって。
Sanaki : I hope you harbor no intentions of chaperoning me like that. I am an empress, you will recall!サナキ : はあ…、……。あの、わたしはもうそんなに小さくはないのじゃが…
Still... I suppose I would consent to holding hands. If you'd like.姉上がお望みなら、手をつないでも…構いませぬが……
Micaiah : Oh, I didn't mean anything by it. I was just reminiscing, that's all.ミカヤ : え!? いえ、そういう意味じゃなかったんだけど…ええと…
But, since you've made me such a generous offer, how could I refuse? Go on, take my hand.…そうね。じゃあ、お言葉に甘えようかしら。はい。
Sanaki : Very well! Hehehe...this will be fun. Come, we have a festival to enjoy! Hurry it along now!サナキ : は、はい。…へへ。ふふふ…
Micaiah : Oh! Hehehe! Keep swinging my arm like that and you're likely to send me flying!ミカヤ : きゃっ! もう、振り回さないで。サナキったら。うふふ…

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