로프트의 공주 사라/대사


My name is Sara...and I know just who you are. Hee-hee. Very well, I'll do what I can to help.あたしはサラっていうの。ふふっ、そう、あなたが…いいよ、あたしが助けてあげる。

If everyone could be silent and listen to their inner voice, they could understand so much...
What is so hard to comprehend about that?
Indeed, my grandfather is Manfroy, the great priest of Loptr. I'd rather not speak of him.そうよ、あたしのおじいさまはロプト教団の大司教マンフロイよ。でも、あの人の話は嫌いなの。
You're tired, aren't you? There's no deceiving me. Come, rest your head. I will watch over you.今、疲れてるんでしょう?あたしにはごまかしなんてきかないわよ。さ、休憩しましょ…膝枕してちょうだい!
*sigh* You're not doing much to help with my boredom. Let's go for a walk. You need a break too!もう、あたしを退屈させないでよ。そうだ、一緒にお散歩しましょ。二人で出かけるなら、いいでしょ。
Being here, I hear so many voices... Beautiful voices, hesitant voices, all kinds of voices. I really enjoy it!ここにいると、いろんな声が聞こえるの。きれいな声、よどんだ声、とてもたくさん…うん、とっても楽しい!

친구 방문

I was told to follow the sound of a beautiful voice, and here you are, [Summoner]!ここにもきれいな声の人がいるって、[フレンド]が言ってたわ。ふふっ、あなたね…

레벨 업

I hear the voice, and I understand everything. I'm ready to go!そうそう、この響き…あたしは、何でも知ってるのよ。さあ、行きましょ!
I can't quite make out what the voice is saying...声が聞こえるの。でも、もうちょっと…


Well, isn't this fun? Thank you!あら、ありがと。これからも楽しめそうね、ふふふ…

5성 40레벨 달성

It's good that I came here. There's something fun around every corner. Being minded by scolds was so dull...
Here, there are many people from many worlds, and the jumble of their voices is so pleasant.
Your voice, though, is the clearest of all. It rings through the cacophony... not as a single voice, but as a chorus.
How mysterious, and so beautiful. I get the feeling that as long as I am with you, I will never be bored.
I think we should have fun together for a long time to come! As long as you need me, here I am!


Bye byeじゃあね


That hurts...痛いわ…

오의 발동

Who are you supposed to be?あなたに用はないわ
This is my decision!あたしをつれてって…
A voice calls to me...声が聞こえる…
Get out of my way.邪魔をしないで


I'm so lonely...…さみしい…


I'll help you.助けてあげる
Get it together.しっかりしてよ
I'm Sara. I know all there is to know about you.あたしはサラっていうの。あなたのことは何でも知ってるわ。
My mother and father are dead. They say my grandfather murdered my father.パパもママも死んじゃったわ。パパはおじいさまに殺されたんだって。
I do not wish to speak of my grandfather. I despise that man.おじいさまの話はしたくないの。あの人、嫌いだから。
Aagh! This is so boring. Can I go for a walk?あーあ、たいくつ…。ねえ、ちょっと散歩してきてもいい?
You were the one calling out to me, weren't you? I like your voice.あなたがあたしを呼んだのね。あなたの声、あたし好きよ。

아군 턴 터치

Why not?いいよ
Let's go.行きましょうよ

캐릭터 페이지로