장난치는 점쟁이 세아다스/대사


I am Seadall. I take it you want me to read your fortune? Or did you just bring me here for the festival?俺はセアダス。見ての通り、収穫祭を楽しんでいたんだけど…態々呼んだってことは占いをご所望?

Ah, now that's a full moon worthy of a harvest festival. Although...do you call it a "moon" in this world?今日は収穫祭に相応しい満月だね。と言っても、この世界の空にある天体を月と呼べるのかはわからないけれど。
I was a traveling dancer, so I have been to many a festival. Would you like me to tell you about some?俺は旅の踊り子だったから、これまで色々な祭りに参加してきたんだ。お望みなら話をしようか?
A dancer must maintain their beauty. I have to be strict with myself, or my master will frown from the heavens...ダンサーたるもの、美を維持しないと。うっかり太ったりしたら、空の上から…師匠や仲間達に怒られちゃうよ。
La Pomme—the apple card. It seems I have the stars' blessing to enjoy some fresh fruit.『ル・フリュイ』果実のカードが出たよ。今日は新鮮な果物を食べるといいみたい。まあ、食べ過ぎない程度にね。
In return for a dance, I was given this bag of treats. I shouldn't eat them, but I don't want to be rude...舞を披露したら、お菓子を貰ったんだ。収穫した作物を使ったものらしいけど…野菜が入ってるなら、太らないよね?

친구 방문

Hello there—I am here to perform a harvest dance for you, courtesy of [Friend].収穫祭の挨拶を届けに来たよ。はい、[フレンド]から。ついでに、豊穣の舞でも披露しようか?

레벨 업

O moon and stars above...for this bountiful harvest, we give our thanks.収穫祭の天上に輝く星々よ、感謝します。
I suppose the fresh food has done me some good.収穫祭を満喫して、いろいろ増えちゃったね。
Hmph. Well, there's always next harvest.いつも豊作なわけじゃないさ。次の季節に期待しよう。


Hah, what a boon! As if I was not skilled enough before!魅力が上がったみたいだ。実り多き秋に感謝だね。

5성 40레벨 달성

You survived another day unscathed. Thank the stars. I am always relieved to see you looking well.
Not that I worry about you—it's just that when I last read your fortune, the cards were...
All right, fine! I do worry about you. I suppose you could say you're important to me.
I don't want to lose you the way I lost my master. He died before my very eyes...
Now he's gone, departed to the same place we will all go some day: among the constellations.
Would you...mind if I stayed by your side today? Please? I want to be there in case something happens.
はあ? 別に、心配なんかしてない。収穫祭で君のこと占ったら、いつになく微妙なカードが出たから気になっただけ。





오의 발동

Want your fortune?占ってほしい?
The harvest dance calls.祭りに舞を
I drew La Récolte.収穫のカードだ
Candy's in the cards.トリックオアエンゲージ!


But the stars...星廻りが…良くなかったね…


In light of all the appetizing food here, let us give thanks to the harvest moon for blessing us with abundance.収穫祭、美味しそうなものがいっぱいだね。豊穣の月に感謝を。
*grunt* I'm reading a fortune. Could you not sneak up on me?わっ。ちょっと…いま占いの途中なんだから、驚かさないでくれる?
I have consulted with the stars, and I see two paths ahead... You give me a treat, or you get tricked.君にする悪戯を考えていたよ。なーんて。いい子にしてるからお菓子ちょうだい。
La Récolte—the harvest card. That means you can count on this festival being a bountiful one.『ル・レコルテ』…実りのカードだ。楽しいお祭りになることを保証するよ。
I must say, I feel quite stunning in this outfit. But it may not be ideal for dancing.この衣装もサマになっているだろう? でも、これで踊るのは大変そうかも。
O spirit of the cards... Will I have the discipline not to eat too much candy?!カードさん…カードさん…収穫祭の料理にお菓子、全部食べたら太りますか…!!
You say you want your fortune read? Very well—but it will have to be when the voices of the stars can be most clearly heard.どうしたの? 占ってほしいの? 仕方ないなあ…俺の占いは夜限定だから、夜になったら、ここに来て。

아군 턴 터치

Of course.もちろんさ
By the moon's light...満月だね…
Let's dance.収穫の舞を

캐릭터 페이지로