우의의 늑대 자가로/대사


Sedgar, of Aurelis's cavalry. You may have heard of us—the Coyote's Men. We are unmatched on the open field.オレルアン騎兵隊、ザガロ。我ら人呼んで【狼騎士団】……野戦ならお手の物だ。

Lord Hardin freed the people of the plains from slavery and gave us weapons.
No one had ever so much as looked our way before that.
So the lost prince mustered up his strength and rebuilt his homeland...
Who do you think really made that happen?! The prince certainly wasn't up to the task, I'll tell you that much.
The bonds between those of us in the Coyote's Men are strong.
Whether it be in Grust or Macedon, we can face anyone if the battle is held on an open field.
When it comes to horseback battles, none can best Wolf.
He can tame and ride even the unruliest of horses and makes deft use of any weapon he touches.
You shouldn't need the help of others to maintain your own weapons. That being said...
I was the best at it, so I'm no stranger to repairing my team's weapons— especially Wolf's bow.

친구 방문

I am Sedgar, of the knights of Aurelis. I was told to give you this by [Friend].オレルアン騎兵隊、ザガロ。[フレンド]から贈り物を預かってきた。

레벨 업

Moving in perfect unison to deliver a flurry of strikes... None can withstand a joint attack from the Coyote's Men!一気呵成、単騎特攻の連撃!我ら【狼騎士団】の攻勢を耐えきった敵はいない!
I care not what justification they might try to use... I can never forgive those who invade another's land.どんな大義があろうと……他国を侵す者は許さん!
I suppose I shall ride even more fiercely next time.次はもっと、強く駆けるか。


You went out of your way to do this...for me? You have my thanks.わざわざ、俺のために?感謝する。

5성 40레벨 달성

Wolf, Roshea, and Vyland... We are the backbone of the Coyote's Men, and they are like brothers to me.
We rode across the battlefield and fought at Lord Hardin's side, crushing every formation we came across.
Even against the knights of Grust's Sable Order, or Macedon's Dragoons, defeat felt as if it were impossible.
We had overwhelming mobility on the ground and could shoot down anything in the sky. We were...strong.
None could deny our power, but... In our ambition, we lost sight of what matters.
And not just us, but him as well...





오의 발동

Ambition blinds you!野心に取りつかれたか!
You fool!貴様ら…!
Look at yourself!道を正す!




Sedgar, of the Coyote's Men. Pleased to meet you.オレルアン狼騎士団のザガロだ。よろしく頼む。
*chuckle* A little rough-housing never hurt anyone.わっ!? ははっ、手荒い歓迎だな。
Believe it or not, I used to think Prince Marth was an entitled brat.マルス王子は世界を我が手にと考えている…そう思っていたんだ。
I knew about Lord Hardin's ambition, but for a time there was nothing I could do.ハーディン様の乱心を知りながら、俺は何もできなかった。
Wolf has quite a temper. I wish he understood the pressure it puts on me to rein him in.ウルフはすぐに熱くなる。止める方の身にもなってほしい。
Painful as it may have been...there was no other choice.どんなに辛くても…答えは一つしかない。
I can think of no better way to atone for my past than to remain steadfastly by your side.俺は償いをしなければならない。お前の元でそれができるなら…

아군 턴 터치

What are you getting at?どういうことだ?

캐릭터 페이지로