희망의 여신 세이드/대사


I am Seiðr of Vanaheimr, the realm of light. May all the children of Midgard receive light's blessing.人の子よ…私はセイズ、光の国ヴァナの女神です。人々の未来に光あらんことを…

Midgard is the realm of mortals. As a goddess of Vanaheimr, it is my duty to serve as your guiding light.ミズガルズは人間たちの世界。私はヴァナの女神として、人々を光へ導くことが使命なのです。
Vanaheimr, the realm of light, realm of gods, beautiful and shining... It is ruled by Njörðr, king of the vanir.光の国ヴァナは、神々の世界。まばゆく光り輝く国…神々の王ニョルズ様が治める国です。
Are my garments so unusual? Perhaps they are, from a mortal perspective... Hm.? 私の装束が珍しいですか?人間たちから見ると、奇妙に感じられるのかもしれませんね。
You mustn't lie to a goddess. Only mortals who are true of heart can receive a goddess's blessing.女神に嘘をついてはいけません。正直な人間には、女神から恵みが与えられることでしょう。
Vanaheimr, the realm of light, and Ásgarðr, the celestial realm, are both realms of the gods.
The two realms are in no way allied, however—or even on friendly terms.

친구 방문

My greetings to you, child of Midgard. I am Seiðr of Vanaheimr, the realm of light.
...Might you also be able to point the way back to where I've just come from, please?

레벨 업

Oh! Hoora— Erm... As is to be expected from a goddess such as myself.!あ…喜んではいませんよ。女神として当然のことです。
Witness the power of a goddess of Vanaheimr.ヴァナの女神として力を示しましょう。
Oh no... The shame...は、恥ずかしい…


Thank you. What a sweet mortal you are.ありがとうございます。あなたは良い人間ですね。

5성 40레벨 달성

I have granted you revelation, and in doing so have chosen you as the mortal destined to stand beside me.
Together, we will save this world.
I am sorry I was unable to ask you whether this path is one you would choose, but my hand was forced.
As a goddess, I promise you that, should you be righteous and true, you will receive my blessing.
We goddesses have honored this arrangement since time immemorial...
Whatever it is that you desire—be it gold, silver, or any other treasure—it will be yours. You have my word.





오의 발동

There is hope yet!希望を胸に
I must keep going!諦めません
Revealing light!光よ――
You can stop this!おやめなさい


Heið, I only wanted...ごめんなさい…ヘイズ…


Child of Midgard, I am known as Seiðr of Vanaheimr, the realm of light.人の子よ…私はセイズ、光の国ヴァナの女神です。
*yelp* You...startle a goddess so brazenly? I will not forget this...きゃああ…!? め、女神である私にこんなこと…許しませんよ。
With my light, I have given you a gift of revelation—a vision of the future.あなたには神託を授けました。私の光で未来を見せたのです。
So long as we never give up, our wishes will one day be made reality. I truly believe that.諦めなければ、希望は決して失われません。私はそう信じています。
Heiðr is no less than a sister to me... She is dearer than any other.ヘイズは私にとって妹のような…誰より大切な存在です。
There are ways a goddess must act, and ways she must not...恥ずかしい…光の女神である私が、あんな醜態を…ああ…
It is no small thing for a goddess to give the gift of revelation... Of course, it was bound to happen.私たち女神は神託を授けた人間に…特別な…な、なんでもありません。

아군 턴 터치

Without a doubt.はい
Pressing ever forward!進みましょう
The future is in sight.未来を夢見て

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