사랑을 간직한 야광의 장 세라이나/대사


I am Selena, Fluorspar of the Imperial Three. All here shall witness my devotion to the emperor of Grado!私はグラド帝国の三騎【蛍石】のセライナ。皇帝陛下の慈愛を広く知らしめるためこの祝祭において全力を尽くそう!

His Majesty is a paragon of royal magnanimity.ああ、陛下……あの威厳と慈愛に満ちたお姿…
I have known hellish times, but I have survived by His Majesty's grace. I will protect his people in turn.生きることは地獄だと思ったこともある…だが、私は陛下のお気持ちで生き延びた…いまは私が民に目を配り、守る番だ。
The prince has an aptitude for magic. I hope I, too, can be of some use.皇子殿下には魔道の才がお有りだ。私もお支えできればよいのだが……
My devotion is to Grado, and to His Majesty. There is nothing I would not do for them.愛……愛か。私の愛はグラドに、陛下に捧げた。そのために、私はすべてを尽くすだろう。
I once hid pickles in His Majesty's meal, just so he would try them... The chef was not pleased.ご賞味いただきたくて、陛下のお食事にこっそり漬物を忍ばせたことがある。あとで料理番にひどく叱られてしまったよ…

친구 방문

Here is a token from the Day of Devotion festival being held at [Friend]'s castle.[フレンド]城では愛の祝祭が開かれている。これは君との友好の証だそうだ。

레벨 업

None will walk away unscathed! All will know the power of my devotion!私の目の届くかぎりは誰一人、この祝祭から脱落などさせない。雷鳴のごとく愛を叫び、掲げ続けよう!
I am full of my love for Grado! Tomorrow I will push even further!グラドから諸君への恵愛である!遠慮することはない、大いに楽しみ、明日への活力とせよ!
A life can be saved by the simplest thing... His Majesty is worthy in that he is not above small kindnesses.毛布一枚で救われる命もある……そのような心配りを忘れないことこそ我が陛下の、博愛の精神だ。


I am grateful to know you thought of me.君の心遣いに感謝しよう。

5성 40레벨 달성

Hm... Oh, it's you!
You see this stone? This is fluorspar. The real thing. It absorbs daylight and then softly glows at night...
That's how my feelings are—never out in the open.
If I meet defeat on the battlefield, I plan to give my name, Fluorspar, back to His Majesty with this stone.
But enough of such things. For now, I will put my devotion to Grado on full display!





오의 발동

Go on, take it.受け取れ!
Here, a gift.贈り物だ
This is for you.あなたの為に…


Not my strong suit...こういうのは…苦手だ…


I appreciate the invitation, but...I am not sure I have the right to enjoy a festival of this kind.招待は嬉しいが、このような祭りに私が参加していいのだろうか。
Oh, was there a flower petal stuck to my shoulder? Thank you.…っ!? 花びらがついていた? ああ…すまない…
My feelings toward my liege are far beyond simple gratitude.陛下への気持ちは…感謝という言葉では表現しきれないな。
These flowers are lovely—and completely unlike the ones where I grew up.きれいな花だ。私の育った村にはこんな花はなかった。
I am a general of the empire—and I have never once forgotten it.私は帝国の将。いかなる時もそれを忘れたことはない。
If His Majesty could just be healthy...陛下がお健やかでいてくださる…私はそれだけで…
Please accept this flower from me, if it would bring you any amount of joy.君にはこの花を。喜んでもらえると嬉しい。

아군 턴 터치

Command me.わかった
What shall I do?どうする?
I am rather nervous.緊張するな

캐릭터 페이지로