형석 세라이나/대사


Urgh... Wh-where— Who... Right. I am Selena of the Imperial Three. Selena, Fluorspar.う…ここは……?私は…そう、セライナ。グラド三騎【蛍石】のセライナである。

Myrrh told me the darkness had to be stopped—but it was already too late for His Majesty...禍々しい気配を止めなければと、あのときミルラは言った。しかしもはや、陛下は……
We generals were meant to protect our people, not assail our neighbors. Our power exists to serve the weak.我ら帝国の将は他を侵すための刃ではなく民を守るための盾たるべし。我々の力は、力弱き民のために……
It's said the Sacred Stones drove the darkness back long ago. Yet we were ordered to destroy them...【聖石】はかつて魔を退け世界を救った守護石という。それを破壊せよとのご命令であったが…
Ahh... Plenty of warm water, pristine bathing tubs... Oohh, I could certainly get used to the luxury on offer here.
...Oh! How long have you been there?
I got a fine barrel, and I aim to ferment some local vegetables to mimic the flavors of home.これは良い樽を手に入れた。久しぶりに、故郷の味を漬けてみようか。

친구 방문

I am Selena. I bear a message from [Friend].私はセライナ。[フレンド]からの伝言を携えてまいりました。

레벨 업

Ever since His Majesty bestowed the gift of the title Fluorspar on me, I've given everything I have as his general.陛下より【蛍石】を賜ったあの日から。誇りある帝国の将として、私は……すべてを捧げて生きてきたのだ!
I will not senselessly take another's life, and I will lay no hand on any who lack the power to resist!無益に命を奪うことはせぬ、降伏せよ!抵抗する力のない者まで手にかけるつもりはない!
I am a general of the Grado Empire and servant to Emperor Vigarde. I am Selena, Fluorspar.私はグラド帝国の将。ヴィガルド陛下の臣。帝国将軍、【蛍石】のセライナ…


I am grateful, but this is more than I deserve. I hope to live up to your expectations of me.身に余る恵みに感謝しよう。期待には応える。

5성 40레벨 달성

Your Majesty, I— Oh. Please forgive me, [Summoner].
I am grateful for your guidance.
Even so, I still remain unable to understand my true purpose in this world.
What I do know is that you have a kind heart, and in that you remind me of Emperor Vigarde.
In a way, that kindness alone can be dangerous, if it can be twisted and taken advantage of.
But I believe that is a lesson you've well learned, or you would not have made it to where you stand now.
So I will fight by your side to help bring about the world you envision, for I know it, too, will be a kind one.





오의 발동

Settle this with steel!御覚悟を
I am Fluorspar!侮るな
I have no regrets!悔いはない
In His Majesty's name!陛下の御為に!


So very tired...これで…私も…


I am the Grado empire's servant and His Majesty's vassal. Call me General Selena, the Fluorspar.私は帝国の将。私は陛下の臣。私は帝国将軍【蛍石】のセライナ…
You have a peculiar way of fraternizing, you know that?君は…変わった交流の仕方を好むのだな。
On my emperor's command, I will fight without hesitation—even against my allies.たとえ仲間であろうと、陛下の御命令なら私はためらうことなく討つ。
The role of an imperial general is that of the shield, not the blade.我ら帝国の将は国を侵すための刃ではなく、民を守るための盾なのだ。
I was but a commoner raised in poverty. Our village stopped paying taxes one winter, but the emperor sent provisions anyway. He saved my village—saved me.寒村で貧しい日々を送っていた私を、陛下はお救いくださった。
My path may be considered foolish, I know. Yet it is my duty as a knight...愚かであることは百も承知。だが私は騎士。この道しか選べぬ。
Ah. You resemble His Majesty in many ways. He was...so benevolent.君は陛下によく似ている。慈愛に満ちたあのお方に…

아군 턴 터치

Are you certain?ですが…
Orders acknowledged.拝命いたします。

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