성교회의 완고함 세테스/대사


I am the one called Seteth. Now explain yourself—why was I called to this world?私はセテスという者だ。この世界に呼び出したことについて、納得のいく理由を聞かせてくれたまえ。

Flayn...? Where is Flayn? I cannot calm down until I know where Flayn is. I must find her immediately!フレンは…? フレンはどこだ?フレンの所在がわからねば落ち着かん。まずはフレンを捜さねば…!
As assistant to the Archbishop, I was swamped with tasks day in, day out. It seems here, I may relax...大司教の補佐役だった私は、日々、膨大な職務に忙殺されていた。この世界では、少し楽ができそうだ。
The Order of Heroes faces many challenges. If there is anything I can do to help, simply ask it of me.特務機関の任務も大変そうだな。私にできることがあれば言ってくれ。この世界にいる限りは手を貸そう。
Is there anywhere to fish around here? I don't mind if I don't catch anything. I simply enjoy it.この辺りに、釣りができるところはあるか?いや、魚が釣れなくとも構わん。釣り糸さえ垂らせれば、それでよいのだ。
I wrote a children's fable. Will you read it and share your thoughts? I'd like to know if the moral is clear.子供たちのために寓話を書いたのだが、読んで感想を聞かせてくれないか。教訓が正しく伝わるか検証したくてね。

친구 방문

So you're [Summoner]. I come bearing the greetings of [Friend].君が[召喚師]か?[フレンド]の使いとして挨拶に来たのだ。

레벨 업

Things are going quite well, it seems. Surely this is the goddess's blessing.ふむ、調子がいいな。これも主のご加護の賜物だろう。
Not bad at all. It seems all my hard work is paying off.うむ、悪くない結果だ。日々の努力が報われたようだ。
What is this? Have my struggles been in vain?くっ、どういうことだ。私の努力が空回りだったとでも?


I feel a new power... I owe you my thanks.おお、新たな力を感じるぞ。君には感謝せねばなるまい。

5성 40레벨 달성

Were I to return to Garreg Mach, I can only imagine the pile of tasks awaiting me...
In comparison to that, the days I spend here are like a vacation.
Perhaps it is a bit irresponsible of me to say so... Rest assured I will execute your orders faithfully and fully.
You know, you show quite a lot of promise. You're talented, responsible, and brimming with charisma.
I feel as though coming to this world has meaning, simply because we could meet. You inspire me.
I am not sure how long I can stay, but I will do what I can to be of help. May the goddess protect you.





오의 발동

Judgment is passed.……成敗!
You shall not survive.排除する!
Just a hindrance.邪魔立てするな!
Do not try to resist.抗うなど無意味だ


*pained noise* Even I have fallen...くっ……私ともあろうものが……


I see you are hard at work. I am happy to witness such diligence.精力的に働いているようだな。その姿勢、実に好ましく思う。
Hm? Were you attempting to surprise me? I shall try to oblige next time.…驚いたほうがよかったか? すまない、次は善処しよう。
Curious about my age, are you? Let us leave it at this... I am a fair bit older than you.私の年齢が気になるのか? 君よりもだいぶ年上、とだけ言っておこう。
The Church of Seiros does not inherently view followers of other religions as our enemies.セイロス聖教会は、異教徒だからといって無条件に敵視したりはしない。
Keep this to yourself, but I care more about my sister Flayn's well being than all else...including the church.公言はできんが、私には教団の未来より妹フレンの幸福のほうが重大事だ。
Time may pass and the world may change, but people will never stop fighting each other.いずれの世界にあっても、人同士の争いというのは絶えぬものだな。
You look tired... Please, do not overexert yourself.少し疲れているように見える。あまり無理はしないようにな。

아군 턴 터치

Is it time?行くのか?
Let us begin.行こうか

캐릭터 페이지로