진은의 성기사 제트/대사


I am Seth, a knight of Renais. I must beg your pardon, but...are Princess Eirika and Prince Ephraim here?私はルネス王国の騎士ゼト。エイリーク様、エフラム様はこちらにいらっしゃるでしょうか?

Prince Alfonse is far too kind. Yes, kindness is a virtue. But sometimes...
No, forgive me. It is not my place to speak.
I serve the royal family of Renais. All I want is to protect Prince Ephraim and Princess Eirika.私はルネス王家に仕える身。我が願いは、エイリーク様とエフラム様をお守りすることです。
There must be some tasks you can delegate to me. You must reserve your strength for where it is needed.
This is not simply for your benefit. It is for the sake of the entire army.
Do not trouble yourself over my well- being. I would play the pawn gladly, would it bring us victory.私に特別な気遣いは無用です。勝利のためなら、私を捨て駒として切り捨てていただくことを望みます。
I spent the day in training. That has been my habit ever since I was a young squire.訓練を行っています。これは騎士見習いの頃から、欠かすことのできない日課です。

친구 방문

Pardon me. I was entrusted with the task of bringing you a greeting by [Friend].失礼致します。[フレンド]殿の使いでこちらに挨拶に参りました。

레벨 업

Now is not the time to rest. I must set my sights on a loftier peak.気を緩めることなく、さらに己を高めなければ。
Further training is required—that much is sure.さらに鍛錬を積み、己を高めなければ。
I'll just have to step up my training to compensate for this.この遅れは、鍛錬で取り戻さねば…


You'll see my gratitude in each and every swing of my sword.感謝致します。この褒賞に値する貢献を。

5성 40레벨 달성

I must express my gratitude for your leadership. As a knight, all I ask for is an opportunity to serve.
However, permit me to say just one thing.
Feelings have no place on the battlefield. You issue orders. I obey them. That is all.
In battle, a life-or-death moment could come at any time. Emotions could cloud your judgment.
If my mind was on you instead of the opponent before me, that could end up costing us a victory.
So I must ask that you keep your distance. This will ensure that I can continue to protect you in the future.




Forgive me...お許しを…

오의 발동

Prepare yourself.…覚悟を
I admire your professionalism.殊勝な心がけだ
I must ask your forgiveness.どうかご容赦を
I answer destiny's call!これが我が使命


My apologies...申し訳ありません…


Please. Your orders.どうか御命令ください。
Hm? You ought not grow close to me.!? …あなたは、私に近づきすぎるべきではありません。
In war, a leader may have to forego attachments and send soldiers to die.一軍を統べる者は、時に情を絶ち、兵を捨て駒としなければなりません。
It's an old wound. Pay it no mind.古傷です…気になさる必要はないかと。
People tell me I'm not much fun to be around. You have my apologies.面白みのない男だとよく言われます。申し訳ありません。
Prince Ephraim. Princess Eirika. Please, save Renais.エフラム様、エイリーク様…祖国ルネスを、どうか…
I will lay down my life to protect you.この身を賭して、あなたをお守り致します。

아군 턴 터치

Your orders.御命令を。

캐릭터 페이지로