멍하니 세츠나/대사
I'm Setsuna from the Kingdom of Hoshido. I'm good with bows. And, uh...falling into traps? | 白夜王国のセツナ…弓を射るのが得意…罠にかかってたら…助けてね… |
Hey, your weapon shoots things. Mine too... It's like we're twins. | あなたの神器、飛び道具…?私の弓も飛び道具なの…おそろいで、うれしい… |
I serve Lady Hinoka. She's strong... and kind...and really nice. I like her lots and lots. | 私は、ヒノカ様の臣下をしてる…ヒノカ様はとっても強くて優しくて…面倒を見てくれるから大好き… |
On patrol, huh? Watch out for traps. Or you'll fall into one. Wait... Am I in a trap now? | 見回り、お疲れさま…でもそんなに走り回ると…いまに私みたいに、落とし穴に落ちる… |
We should go hunting. We'll step into a trap, I bet. But you can just summon Lady Hinoka to save us. | 今度、一緒に狩りに行きたい…もし二人して罠にかかっても…あなたがヒノカ様を召喚してくれれば解決… |
When I practice at the range here, I nearly hit some guy named Alfonse. Usually, anyway. The face he makes! | 弓の練習をしてたら…あなたのお友達を射ちかけた…アルフォンスって人…すごく驚いてた… |
친구 방문
...[Summoner]? Oh, good. I'm here to tell you... uh...? Yeah. Hi. Your friend [Friend] sent me. | あなた、[召喚師]…?[フレンド]からの挨拶…ちゃんと伝えられて良かった… |
레벨 업
I'm doing well... | 褒めて褒めて… |
Woo-hoo. | すごいすごーい… |
Yay. Wait, that wasn't much, was it? | わーい…ぜんぜん変わってない… |
One step closer to...uh, not stepping into more traps. | これでもう…罠に引っかからない…? |
5성 40레벨 달성
Woo-hoo. It's you, Summoner. You going to do more of that summoning thing today? I like a crowd. It's nice. And more of us means more people around to help if I fall into a trap. That happens all the time, you know. Have I ever mentioned it? But you know, more of us also means you have less time for me. Sad. What? You promise you won't forget about me? What? You never could? Yay. I feel the same. Are you sure we're not the same person? It wouldn't surprise me at all! | わー、[召喚師]だー。今日も召喚に行くの…?すごいすごーい… 仲間が増えると、私も助かる…うまくいけば罠にかかった時に、助けてくれる人が増えるから… でも…[召喚師]が、新しい英雄ばかり構うようになったら…ちょっぴりさみしい気もする… え…? そんなことはしない…?じゃあ私は、他の英雄よりも…ちょっと特別…? わー、頷いてくれた…私も、あなたはちょっと特別…おそろいで、嬉しい… |
えい… | |
Here we go... | そーれー… |
うあっ… | |
You got me... | やられた… |
오의 발동
I won't lose! | 負けない… |
There we go... | 狙い撃ち… |
Hey, you're my prey! | 獲物はあなた… |
Look, a butterfly. | 虫が飛んでる… |
Oh man... | あ… |
Heehee | ふふ… |
Fun times. Good ones too. Every day is a happy day. | 今日も楽しいこといっぱい… |
I'm in a pit. Oh, no, no. Not now. I mean later, when you can't find me. | 歩いてるといつも、落とし穴に落ちる… |
You'll help me if I fall into a trap, right? | 私が罠にはまってたら、助けてね… |
I love hunting. Anything, really. But little buggies most of all. | 狩りは好き…飛んでる虫を落とすのも好き… |
I popped out of a divine weapon? Woo-hoo. Always wanted to do that. | 私、神器から出てきたの…? すごいすごーい… |
Where is Lady Hinoka? She'll totally help if I fall into a trap. | ヒノカ様、どこ…? 傍にいないと、助けてもらえない… |
They say I'm a daydreamer. Works for me. | いつもぼーっとしてるねって…?うふふ…ほめてくれて、うれしい… |
아군 턴 터치
Sure... | ええ… |
Yay... | わーい… |
Where now? | お散歩… |