봄축제의 비뚤어진 소녀 세레나/대사


The name's Severa. I don't know anything about this spring-festival stuff, but I'll join in the fun, I guess!あたしの名前はセレナ。春祭りだかなんだか知らないけど、参加してあげるわよ!

Hey! These clothes are actually kind of cute! Why not buy me some new shoes and jewelry while you're at it!なかなか可愛い装束じゃない!どうせなら色違いの靴や装飾品をもっと買ってくれてもいいのよ?
It's not like this isn't any fun! I'm just not used to this kind of thing, so I'm at a bit of a loss as to what to do.べ、別に楽しくないわけじゃないわよ!こういうのはあまり慣れてないから、少しとまどっているだけよ。
Why don't you stop patrolling around and enjoy the festivities a little, huh? Spring won't last forever!見回りばっかしてないであんたもお祭りを楽しんだら?春はあっという間に終わっちゃうわよ!
There's another girl that looks just like me here already? And her name's Selena? Bring her to me—now!特務機関にあたしにそっくりな子がいるの?そのルーナとかいう子ここに連れてきなさいよ!
What? I have to help with the festival preparations? Sounds like a pain. I'll have my doppelgänger handle it.あたしもお祭りの準備を手伝うの?ふん、そんな面倒くさいことはセレブ同盟隊員Bにやってもらうわよ。

친구 방문

Hey! Don't just stand there! Aren't you going to at least offer me some tea or something?
I brought you this all the way from [Friend] after all...

레벨 업

Did you see how amazing I was? I'll be expecting my reward!見た? あたしの大活躍!ご褒美期待しているわよ!
Wearing cute clothes helps soothe the sting a bit, at least!可愛い装束を着るとやっぱり気分も上がるわね!
Ugh! I told myself, "It's a festival! Just have fun with it!" and now look...うう、お祭りだからって浮かれ過ぎた…


I'll take more if you got it! One can never have too much of stuff like this, you know!もっとよこしなさい!あたしの物欲は果てしないわよ!

5성 40레벨 달성

Hey! Isn't this a festival? Stop looking all stiff and relax a bit, would you?
Everyone can use a little carefree fun in their lives, you know. Otherwise folks get irritable, don't they?
The world I came from was, well... it was the absolute worst. The men were all hopeless, for one thing.
There weren't even any shops with cute jewelry and accessories...
Don't give me that look. That stuff's important, all right?!
Anyway! We all need a little peace and relaxation! So you better enjoy this festival with everything you got!
とにかく! 心に余裕が必要だわ!今からあたしと一緒に全力でお祭りを楽しみなさい!





오의 발동

Spring is here!スプリングハズカム!
Hippity, hoppity, HALT!ぴょーんってね!
You ready? You'd better be!目を覚ましなさい!
Don't you dare doze off!寝ぼけてんじゃないわよ!


How embarrassing...もう! しくじったわ…


The name's Severa.セレナよ。
Watch it! Hands off the ears!きゃあっ!? い、いきなり触るなんて失礼ね!
Listen up, because I'm only going to say this once... Have a very "hoppy" spring!はいはい。やればいいんでしょ。ぴょーん!
Of course my outfit looks amazing. Did you expect anything less of me?似合う? 当たり前じゃない。このあたしよ?
I know I look good in this outfit and all, but you're staring a little too hard, pal. Move along.ちょっと…似合うからってジロジロ見ないでよ。照れるじゃない。
Wait, my mother is here?! Gods, if she sees me like this, I'll never live it down... Hide me!えっ、母さんもここにいるの? この格好を見られるのは勘弁してよ!
I guess the spring festival isn't so bad... As long as you're here to spend it with me.あんたと一緒だったら、春祭りも悪くないかもね。

아군 턴 터치

Let's get a move on!起きなさいよ!
You sure?ええ?
I'm going, I'm going...行けばいいんでしょ

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