숨겨진 동경 세레나/대사
I'm Severa, Cordelia's daughter. You wanted to meet me, right? I mean, I did come all the way from the future. | あたしはセレナよ。ティアモの娘。未来からわざわざ来てあげたわ。会いたかったでしょ、あたしに。 |
My mother was simply amazing. Beautiful, strong, perfect in every way... I really respect her. I don't think I'll ever surpass her. Especially now that she's dead. | あたしの母さんは、すごい人だったの。美人で強くて何でもできて…憧れだった。死んじゃったから、もう一生敵わないけど。 |
I need to be ready to take on any Hero. In my world, you never know who will become your next enemy. | どんな英雄が相手だって戦ってみせるわ。あたしの世界では友達とか…知ってる人が敵になるのは普通だったから。 |
Out on patrol? Looks like hard work! I'm sure the Order keeps you busy, but... Be sure to make time to slack off once in a while too! | あら、見回り? 大変ね。特務機関って忙しそうだけど…たまにはサボることも覚えなさいよね! |
I could go for a shopping spree right about now. Want to come with? We can be shopping buddies! | うう…無性にお買い物に行きたいわ。今度付き合ってくれない?あたしとお買い物同盟でも結成しましょ。 |
The water here is so clean, I couldn't help but primp a bit. You know, hair and skin care, basic stuff. Admit it, my hair's looking prettier than usual. | 髪と肌のお手入れをしてたわ。ここは水が綺麗だからいいわね。見て、あたしいつもより可愛いでしょ? |
친구 방문
I came all this way just to deliver a greeting from [Friend]. I hope you're grateful! | [フレンド]から挨拶よ。わざわざ伝えに来てあげたんだから、感謝しなさいよね! |
레벨 업
I-I'm not grinning... This is my war snarl! | 別に…嬉しくなんかないんだから… |
Mmm, yes. An excellent showing. Naturally. | あたしにしてはよくやった方よね! |
Excuse me?! I clearly deserve better! | なによ!もっと上がりなさいよー! |
Something feels new... Did that make me more like my mother? | な、なんか新しくなったのよね。少しは母さんに近づけた…? |
5성 40레벨 달성
I've been here for a little while now, and I thought you should know I don't actually have time to waste here. Huh? You're sorry? I...wasn't actually looking for an apology... Hey, what's with the look? Aw, you're making me feel like I was bullying you! I guess I do owe you for helping me get stronger. I don't want you to feel bad or anything. I guess I'll stick around for a bit. Actually, I'll stick around until the fighting is over. So quit looking so sad, all right? Also, [Summoner]... Thanks... For everything. For staying by my side, and for helping me train, and... And just know that I'll never, ever say anything like this ever again! | …ここに来て随分経つわね。言っとくけどあたし、本当はこの場所で戦ってるほどヒマじゃないのよ。 え? それは悪いと思ってる…ですって?な、なによ。そんな顔されたら、あたしがいじめてるみたいじゃない! ま、まああんたにはここまで強くしてもらった恩もあるし、別に悲しませたいわけじゃないのよ。 仕方ないから、もうしばらく…ううん、戦いが終わるまで付き合ってあげるわ。だからそのしょぼくれた顔やめなさい! あとね、[召喚師]…いつもありがと…あたしの傍にいてくれて。こ、この言葉、二度と言わないんだからね! |
- | やっ! |
Ow! | えいっ! |
- | ちょっ…! |
- | 汚れたじゃない! |
오의 발동
I've had ENOUGH! | しつこいのよ! |
Like I'd lose... | 負けるはずないわ! |
Nice try, but no. | あたしを怒らせたわね! |
Mother! You'd better watch! | 見てて、母さん…! |
Not...yet... | こんな奴に… |
What? | ふん… |
Well, if you're asking me...I guess I can make an effort. | 仕方ないから、頑張ってあげるわ |
Just so we're clear, I am NOT fighting for your sake. | あんたのために戦ってるわけじゃないんだから |
"Keep it up"? Is that a compliment? Uh...thanks. | 褒めてくれるの? あ…ありがとう… |
We're going shopping. There's a lot of stuff I need. | 買い物に付き合いなさい、欲しいものがいっぱいあるの |
Why can't I be more like my mother? | どうしてあたし、母さんみたいになんでもできないの… |
Father and mother... They left me behind. | 父さんも母さんも…あたしを置いていっちゃったわ… |
Of course I look after my appearance. You should be proud you get to hang out with me! | 可愛いのは当然よ、努力してるもの。あ、あんたも…可愛い英雄を連れてたら鼻が高いでしょ? |
아군 턴 터치
Yeah. | ええ |
What? | なあに? |
Well? | どーすんの? |