숨겨진 동경 세레나/대사


I'm Severa, Cordelia's daughter. You wanted to meet me, right? I mean, I did come all the way from the future.あたしはセレナよ。ティアモの娘。未来からわざわざ来てあげたわ。会いたかったでしょ、あたしに。

My mother was simply amazing. Beautiful, strong, perfect in every way... I really respect her.
I don't think I'll ever surpass her. Especially now that she's dead.
I need to be ready to take on any Hero. In my world, you never know who will become your next enemy.どんな英雄が相手だって戦ってみせるわ。あたしの世界では友達とか…知ってる人が敵になるのは普通だったから。
Out on patrol? Looks like hard work! I'm sure the Order keeps you busy, but...
Be sure to make time to slack off once in a while too!
あら、見回り? 大変ね。特務機関って忙しそうだけど…たまにはサボることも覚えなさいよね!
I could go for a shopping spree right about now. Want to come with? We can be shopping buddies!うう…無性にお買い物に行きたいわ。今度付き合ってくれない?あたしとお買い物同盟でも結成しましょ。
The water here is so clean, I couldn't help but primp a bit. You know, hair and skin care, basic stuff.
Admit it, my hair's looking prettier than usual.

친구 방문

I came all this way just to deliver a greeting from [Friend].
I hope you're grateful!

레벨 업

I-I'm not grinning... This is my war snarl!別に…嬉しくなんかないんだから…
Mmm, yes. An excellent showing. Naturally.あたしにしてはよくやった方よね!
Excuse me?! I clearly deserve better!なによ!もっと上がりなさいよー!


Something feels new... Did that make me more like my mother?な、なんか新しくなったのよね。少しは母さんに近づけた…?

5성 40레벨 달성

I've been here for a little while now, and I thought you should know I don't actually have time to waste here.
Huh? You're sorry? I...wasn't actually looking for an apology... Hey, what's with the look?
Aw, you're making me feel like I was bullying you!
I guess I do owe you for helping me get stronger. I don't want you to feel bad or anything.
I guess I'll stick around for a bit. Actually, I'll stick around until the fighting is over.
So quit looking so sad, all right? Also, [Summoner]...
Thanks... For everything. For staying by my side, and for helping me train, and...
And just know that I'll never, ever say anything like this ever again!
え? それは悪いと思ってる…ですって?な、なによ。そんな顔されたら、あたしがいじめてるみたいじゃない!





오의 발동

I've had ENOUGH!しつこいのよ!
Like I'd lose...負けるはずないわ!
Nice try, but no.あたしを怒らせたわね!
Mother! You'd better watch!見てて、母さん…!




Well, if you're asking me...I guess I can make an effort.仕方ないから、頑張ってあげるわ
Just so we're clear, I am NOT fighting for your sake.あんたのために戦ってるわけじゃないんだから
"Keep it up"? Is that a compliment? Uh...thanks.褒めてくれるの? あ…ありがとう…
We're going shopping. There's a lot of stuff I need.買い物に付き合いなさい、欲しいものがいっぱいあるの
Why can't I be more like my mother?どうしてあたし、母さんみたいになんでもできないの…
Father and mother... They left me behind.父さんも母さんも…あたしを置いていっちゃったわ…
Of course I look after my appearance. You should be proud you get to hang out with me!可愛いのは当然よ、努力してるもの。あ、あんたも…可愛い英雄を連れてたら鼻が高いでしょ?

아군 턴 터치


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