고월의 닌자 샤미아/대사


The name's Shamir. Does everyone here dress like this? Never mind. I'll wear it, as long as I get paid.シャミアだ。この格好は、あんたの趣味か?まあ、いいさ。

My family had too many mouths to feed when I was a kid, so I left. I joined some mercs for the pay.私は子供の頃から傭兵稼業で生きてきた。家の口減らしのためにな。
Fódlan and now Askr both prove that where people gather, schemes follow. There's no light without dark...アスクもフォドラも同じだ……人が集えば企みもする。光あれば、かならず闇も生まれる……
You've been sluggish lately. Get some rest and don't let me catch you off guard again.私の前で居眠りとはなかなかいい度胸だ。さっさとベッドに入れ。
I don't avoid unsavory company. To understand someone, you have to see the world through their eyes.そこに暮らす者と実際に話して、初めてその土地を理解できる……つまり賭場通いも立派な偵察といえる。
I've made a living tracking down and taking out targets. That won't change anytime soon.私は敵を倒して生きてきた。これからもそうだろう。変わりはしない。

친구 방문

I'm working, so I'll keep this short. [Friend] says hello.任務中なので手短に伝える。[フレンド]がよろしくと言っていた。

레벨 업

I've far and away exceeded the terms of our agreement. I'll return later to collect.報酬以上の働きをしてしまったか。まあいい、貸しにしておく。
I've trained to control my breathing and mask my presence. I'm good, but I could always be better.息を潜める。敵の呼吸が聞こえるほどに。私の得意とするところだ。
I faltered in a moment of weakness. I...I saw an insect on the battlefield.い、いまそこに虫が……!いや、何かは言わなくていい!


You trust me to use this on my missions? I appreciate the vote of confidence.そうか。頼られるのは嬉しいさ。

5성 40레벨 달성

What's the point of this outfit? It hasn't helped me in battle, but it hasn't hindered my work either.
I suppose it doesn't matter, as long as I get paid. I'm not usually picky about jobs I take, but this place isn't ideal.
It could use some more level-headed Heroes who don't follow the royals and nobles with blind zeal.
You think I want to leave? Are you thick? I want to stay and help make that change. I won't say it again.





오의 발동

It's you or me.死んでもらう
Just doing my job.これも任務だ
Caught you off guard.脇が甘いな
Accept your fate.天誅だ


I'm...better than this.まったく…やってられんな…


I've been told that this is what ninja wear. It might take some getting used to.これが忍者か。なかなか変わった衣装だな。
I warned you against that before, didn't I?やめろといっている。しつこいぞ。
I understand that ninja specialize in undercover operations behind enemy lines.忍者とは隠密行動に優れた斥候といったところか。
This gear is different from what I'm used to, but I'll make it work.妙な武器だが使いこなしてみせよう。
Everyone is distracted by the festival. Should make my job much easier.どいつもこいつも祭りで浮かれているな。
I'm prepared to take on most any job, for the right price.どんな任務でもこなしてやろう。契約次第だがな。
You should keep your distance if you plan to leave in one piece.あまり近づくな。怪我をする。

아군 턴 터치

Tell me where.指示は?
I'll settle this.片づける

캐릭터 페이지로