명랑한 천마기사 샤니/대사
I'm Shanna from Ilia! I'm a pegasus knight! Well...sorta? I'm actually still in training, but I'll do my best! | あたしはイリア天馬騎士団のシャニー。って言っても、まだ見習いなんだけどね!えへへ! |
My homeland, Ilia, is so cold—and I mean COLD. This place is a real hothouse in comparison. | 故郷のイリアはすごく寒いの。イリアに比べると、ここはあったかいかな~ |
I have two sisters named Thea and Juno. They're older than me. Guess that makes me the youngest! | 三姉妹の末っ子だよ!ユーノお姉ちゃんとティトお姉ちゃんがいるんだ! |
Want to chat? Sure! What d'ya feel like talking about? How about...? Hmm. Or maybe...? Nah. | あたしとお話したいの?いいよー、なに話そっか!えっとねー… |
You're welcome to ride my pegasus anytime. Flying is the best! | あたしのペガサス乗りたい?いいよ、乗って!すっごく気持ちいいよー! |
Are you going to scold me for flying too far ahead of the front lines? Sorry, sorry—I can't help it! | 前線に出過ぎるなー!って、昔いっつも怒られてたんだ~。もしまたやっちゃったらごめんね。 |
친구 방문
Oh, [Summoner]? Great! It is you! One of your friends asked me to say hi. You remember [Friend], right? | あ、[召喚師]さん?[フレンド]に頼まれてあいさつに来たよ! |
레벨 업
Yeah! I bet I could beat any enemy now. | うん、これならどんな敵にも勝てちゃいそう! |
Hee hee! I'll be as good as my sisters soon! | ふふっ、お姉ちゃん達みたいになれたかな? |
I'll never NOT be a trainee if I can't do better than that. | こ、これじゃあいつまでも見習いのままだよ… |
I won't be a pegasus knight in training for much longer! | もう天馬騎士見習いなんて、言わせないぞ~! |
5성 40레벨 달성
Some people say I'm childish. Not nice to say, but maybe not totally wrong either. But since I've come here and fought alongside everyone, I feel like I've grown up a lot! Hey, and here you are, I bet, thinking that ol' Shanna looks just the same, right? How do I know? Oh, I know. Everyone always looks at me like I'm just the same. Looky there—it's Shanna! And there—it's Shanna! The thing is, I like being me. So I wouldn't mind putting off this whole growing-up thing. That is, if you don't mind. Ha! I knew you wouldn't! | あたしってよく甘えん坊だって言われるんだけど… あなた達と戦うようになって…少しだけ大人になれた気がしてるんだ。 あっ、今見た目は何も変わってないって思ったでしょ!誤魔化してもだめ~! 顔に書いてあったよ……でも、それなら… へへっ、少しだけ…あなたに甘えてもいいかな? |
えーいっ! | |
たぁっ! |
きゃああっ! | |
Meanie! | ひっどーい |
오의 발동
Here we go! | いっくよー |
Attack, attack! | ひっさつ! |
Fine, fine! Everything's fine! | へーきへーき |
Not gonna lose! | 負けないもんねっ |
Sorry... | お姉ちゃん…ごめん… |
Ahahaha | あはは |
Hmm? Need something? You name it...and I'm on it! | はーいっ、なになに? |
AHH! Whew. Just you. | ひゃっ!? びっくりした。 |
Hey, it's the chief! You're the chief, right? Right! | あっ、たいちょー(隊長)! |
Hope you're not skipping meals, Chief! Bad idea! | たいちょー、ちゃんとごはん食べてる? |
My homeland is SO cold... | あたしの故郷はさむーいとこなんだ。 |
Someday...I'm gonna fly high and light up the sky! | かっこよく飛んでみたいな~っ |
Say! We should visit my homeland! You gotta meet the REAL chief! | たいちょーの故郷、いつか連れてってね |
아군 턴 터치
Yep? | うんっ! |
Got it! | りょーかいだよっ |
Let's go! | がんばっちゃうよ |
공격 - 신장
やあっ | |
そーれ! |
피격 - 신장
ああっ | |
Owwww! | いったーい! |
오의 발동 - 신장
We got this! | やっちゃうよー! |
Locking you out! | 閉じ込めちゃう! |
The gate's shut! | 扉を閉じる! |
Ooh! Gettin' stronger! | ここまでだよ! |
패배 - 신장
I'm sorta scared, Sis... | 痛いよ…お姉ちゃん… |
상태창 - 신장
Ehehe | えへへっ |
I'm Juno and Thea's little sis! My name's Shanna. | あたしシャニー! ユーノお姉ちゃんとティトお姉ちゃんの妹! |
Gah! I'll get you back for that—just you wait! | ひゃああっ! やったなー、覚悟しろ! |
I am loving these clothes! Do you like 'em? Do you?! | 新しい衣装って気分上がる! ねね、似合うー? |
Isn't Embla sort of your enemy, Chief? Ugh, complicated... | エンブラ帝国って、たいちょーの敵なの? 何か複雑… |
If ONE MORE person tells me I'm "just a trainee"... Ugh! | もー、みんなあたしが見習いだから口うるさくってやんなっちゃう! |
I'm proud of my Ilian uniform. It matches my sisters'! | イリアの騎士の衣装も大切にするよ。お姉ちゃんたちとお揃いだもん。 |
Chief, gimme your honest opinion. Which outfit's better...my regular uniform, or this one?! | たいちょーは、いつもの服とこっちとどっちか好き? |
아군 턴 터치 - 신장
Ready! | はーい! |
Huh? | ありゃ? |
Close 'em out! | いっけー! |