유성의 검사 샤난/대사


I am Shannan, prince of Isaach. If you run up against any lawless types, let me teach them some manners.私はシャナン、イザーク王国の王子だ。不逞の輩が相手とあらば我が剣技のもてなしで迎えよう。

Oh, Lady Deirdre... If only I had stopped you... Everything would be so different.ああ…、ディアドラ様…!私があの時、引き留めておけば…こんな事には………
Lord Sigurd saved me and allowed me to live in Isaach. I will forever be in his debt.私はシグルド公によって助けられ、イザークへ永らえ、志を果たすことができた。この恩は生涯、忘れることはない。
If only I were more firm, Ayra would still be— All I can do now is protect Larcei and Scáthach. I won't fail here!私がもっとしっかりしていれば、アイラをあんな目にあわせず済んだ…スカサハとラクチェはかならず守り抜く…!
If you want to learn the way of the blade, I can show you the basics...
But be warned! The training methods we use in Isaach are harsh. You must be truly prepared before beginning.
So, this castle is full of legendary Heroes... Many seem quite skilled, as one might expect.
Their company should prove to be good motivation to train.

친구 방문

I am Shannan. I come with a greeting. You are [Summoner], yes?私はシャナン、挨拶に参った。貴方が[召喚師]か?これを受け取ってくれ。

레벨 업

So, this is the power of the divine Balmung... And what a power it is!これが神剣バルムンクの…ああ……なんという力だ…!
I seek to draw out the spirit of the blade!剣の真髄を求めて……!
Patience. Find the still center.…待て、逸るな。ここは落ち着くべきだ。


Many thanks. The people of Isaach never leave their debts unpaid. Leave the fighting to me.感謝する。イザークの民は恩を忘れない。戦働きは任せてもらおう。

5성 40레벨 달성

There is one thing no one can ever control, no matter what they do...
That thing...is time. Once it passes, there is no getting it back. Only regret and remorse follow in its wake.
I know... I once made a grave mistake. That error made me who I am today, but the pain—that will never fade.
As you are well acquainted with the many Heroes here, I imagine this is not the first you've heard such a tale.
I also suspect it is not your first time hearing this: I want to save others from making the same mistakes.
If you see no clear way forward, you must trust your convictions. Do that, and I will be ever at your command.


Too slow!遅い!



오의 발동

I won't let you run!逃がさん!
You can't escape me!見切った!
Is this enough?その程度か
Give me strength!私に力を…!


Seliph...forgive me...セリスよ、許せ…


I am Shannan. Prince Shannan of Isaach.私はシャナン。イザーク王国の王子、シャナンだ。
Huh? Oh, it's just you. It's not wise to surprise me like that.!? お、お前か。ふう、危うくお前を殺すところだった…
The holy weapon Balmung... Finally in my hands... I can feel its power...バルムンク…やっと私の手に…。ああ、なんという力だ…
The liberation army was formed to protect Isaach from the empire. I must fight to save her people!帝国からイザークの民を救わねばならない。そのための解放軍だ。
It's my fault that Deirdre was...lost. I must make it up to Seliph. I owe him that.私の過ちでディアドラ様を失ってしまった。セリスには詫びねばならない…
I promised my sword to King Seliph. It's a promise I intend to keep.私はセリス王に剣を捧げた。私は生涯、忘れはしない。
Perhaps I had better teach you the sword. You ought to be able to hold your own on the battlefield.お前にも剣術を教えてやろうか? 少しはマシになるはずだ。

아군 턴 터치

I am ready.待っていた

캐릭터 페이지로