아스크왕국의 왕녀 샤론/대사

My brother prefers not to burden me. I suppose that could mean that he thinks I'm not up to the task.お兄様ったらいつまで経ってもわたしのこと頼ってくれません。まだ実力が足りないのでしょうか…
I'm going to become friends with every Hero—ever! Oh, what a grand party it will be!わたし、もっともっと英雄さんたちと仲良くなりたいんですっ!英雄友達…略して英友を千人作りますよっ!
Oh, are you possibly on patrol, [Summoner]?
Well, of course you are. You're the best. Really, the BEST.
Oh, do you have time to chat, [Summoner]?
I'm a great listener. Bet you didn't know that!
I often write letters to my mother. We live in the same castle, but we rarely have a chance to speak!お母様にお手紙を書いていました。おんなじお城に住んではいても、なかなかお会いできないんですよね…

친구 방문

How do you do? Huh? So this is another Askran Kingdom... Hey, tell me! How's the ME here? Nice, right?ごきげんようです!ほほう…ここが異界のアスクですね。こっちのわたしは元気ですかっ?

레벨 업

How wonderful. It's my time to shine!これはアレですね。わたしの時代が来ちゃいましたね。
I'm delighted to rise to the occasion!第一王女シャロン、あなたのために強くなりました!
Eeep! Sorry. I know that I can do much better.あはは…ごめんなさいしか言えませんね。


More power? For me? I may well faint away!わたしに力をくれるんですか!?うれしすぎて卒倒しちゃいそうです…!

5성 40레벨 달성

You know, I consider it a high honor and an exceptional privilege to spend these moments with you.
Aw, who am I kidding, [Summoner]?
Ha! Let's drop all that royal jibber-jabber. It's just us, right? Right!
The thing is, I love being around you. I've never been happier!
Sure, you're a valuable addition to the Order of Heroes—blah, blah, blabbity, blah.
But after spending so much time with you, I just think of you more like...a close friend.
Do you feel the same? Are we friends? Best friends? On our way to being best friends?
We are? Er, which one? Never mind. I'm just delighted... so delighted...so very...
Waah! You've made me cry, you silly goose.
I won't forget this day. Why, I'll save all my tears of happiness in a vial to remind me—forever!
…え!? もう友達だと思ってた!?や、や、やったーー! ううっ…!!嬉しさのあまり涙と鼻水が…!


What about this?!どうです!?


That's a fine hello!なにするんですー!

오의 발동

Here I go!シャロンいきます!
Ladies first.レディの前ですよ!
Found your weak spot!弱点みっけ!
There's my opening!開いちゃえ!




How do you do?ごきげんようです!
Ha! What was that? A sneak attack?あはは、不意打ちは卑怯ですよー?
If there's one thing I'm really good at, it's lighting up the room!やる気だけは一人前、あなたのシャロンです!
I know my brother can be a bit serious. But I think he's quite fond of you.ここだけの話…あなたはお兄様のお気に入りなんですよ?
The Order of Heroes is simply spectacular since you showed up!あなたが来てからの特務機関…なんだかいい感じなんです
I wish I could summon Heroes like you. Then we'd really have a party!わたしにも召喚の力があったら、英雄のお友達がいっぱい作れるんですけど…
You know, I pledge forever and ever to be your number-one fan!あなたはわたしの憧れなんです。この先も、ずううっっと、あなたのファンですからねっ!

아군 턴 터치

My turn.わたしですね!
Let's go.いきましょう!

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