전도유망한 용병 세즈/대사


I'm Shez. A mercenary. I'll win no matter who I'm up against, but only after we sort out contract terms.私はシェズ、傭兵よ。誰が相手でも必ず勝つ…つもりだけど。まずは契約の条件を知りたいわね。

To be honest, I'm still not sure why you summoned me here. I'm just a run-of-the-mill merc... Well, mostly.私を呼び出して、何をさせたいんだか。ただの傭兵で、特別なことは何も…いや、そうとも言えないかしら。
Fódlan had plenty of mercenary work to go around, but it was nothing compared to the constant war here.私のいたフォドラは、傭兵の仕事がなくならない程度には荒れているわ。でも、戦争ばかりのここよりはマシね。
I've given orders before, but I get the feeling you're better at it than me. So, feel free to send me to the front lines.露払いにでも何でも使ってちょうだい。もちろん指揮をしてもいいけど…そういうのはあなたのほうが得意そうだし。
Hey, are you busy right now? I'm practicing a new technique and could really use some help.暇なら手伝ってくれない?新しい戦い方を教わってね。身になるまで修練しておきたいの。
I'm not great at sitting still. Unfamiliar places just make me want to wander around, but I always seem to get lost.じっとしているのは苦手でね。見知らぬ場所は歩き回りたくなるのよ。でも、残念ながら道に迷いやすくて……。

친구 방문

I've come to deliver a message from [Friend].
Wow, it sure is lively around here.

레벨 업

I'm getting stronger!ぐっと強くなった感覚があるわね。
Yeah, not bad.なかなか悪くないんじゃない?
Wait, that's it?!伸び悩んでるの? 私。


Hey, a new power! All right...また一つ力を得た…けど、これからよ。

5성 40레벨 달성

Out of curiosity, do you know when our contract will end? Not that I'm unhappy with it, or anything...
It's just... I know I can't keep fighting as a mercenary forever. And when that time comes, what happens?
Will we wrap up the contract and go our separate ways like a couple of strangers? Maybe that's for the best.
At least that would mean I could listen to the little voice in my head saying I need to get back to Fódlan.
No point worrying about that now, though. Seems like there's still plenty to do around here.
So until that day does come, I'll keep offering my blade to your cause. That's my job, after all.





오의 발동

This ends here!ここで討つわ!
Here it comes!これが傭兵よ!
You're done!その身に刻んで!
Oh, no. Not me!負けられないのよ!


No... I failed...こうなっちゃったら…終わりね…


Other than fighting, my mom taught me everything I know.戦い方以外は、全部母さんから教わったのよ
Woah, there! You were about to get a face-full of counterattack!うわっ!? もう、間違って反撃しちゃいそうだったじゃない
No matter where you go, always keep a weapon at the ready.どんな場所でだろうと、武器は手放せないわね
This? It's a Merc Whistle. We use it to find each other on the battlefield. Can't get by without it.これ? 呼び笛って言ってね、場所を知らせる傭兵の道具よ
I look like I was raised in the mountains? I was...but how can you tell?こう見えて山育ちなのよ? え、見た目どおり?
Can't take my eyes off the map...まったく、地図が手放せないわね…
If the enemy comes, call for me. I'm always ready to head into battle.いつでも出られるわ。敵が来たら呼んで

아군 턴 터치

Oh, sure.いいわ
What now?何?
Heading out.行くわよ

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