용병의 여름휴가 세즈/대사


I'm Shez. I take it you're hiring me for a fight on the water. Not like I have a choice, but... Hm? A vacation?シェズだ。次の戦場は海か…。傭兵は戦う場所を選べないからな。ん? 休暇が今回の仕事だと?

Odd... The map says there should be land over here.おかしいな。陸を目指して泳いでいたはずなのに気がつくと沖に向かっているなんて…
I was raised in the mountains of Ordelia territory, so I don't know much about beach life.俺はコーデリア領の山村で育ったからな。正直、海辺の暮らしというものに実感がわかないんだ。
Just look at that horizon, huh? I wonder if that's where the souls of mercs go after they're gone.死んでいった傭兵の仲間たち…あいつらの魂も海の向こうにいるのかな。
I feel a bit exposed in just this. But I guess the light weight makes it good for training.動きやすいのは間違いないんだが…薄着すぎて、どうにも心もとないな。これも鍛錬と割り切るか。
I just passed a stall selling frozen dessert. In this heat, I can see that being a money maker.さっき、見慣れぬ氷菓子を売る屋台を見かけた。南国ではあんな食べ物が好まれるんだな。

친구 방문

I'm Shez. A mercenary. I was hired to deliver this chilled drink from [Friend].俺はシェズ、傭兵だ。[フレンド]から南国の土産を預かってきた。

레벨 업

There's a big wave coming, and I'm gonna catch it!いい波が来ているみたいだな。こいつを逃す手はない!
When it comes to training, I never take a vacation.休暇のつもりが…気がつくと鍛錬に意識が向いてしまうな。
Ugh. I think all the warm coastal air is making me soft.不甲斐ない。南国の空気に気が緩んでいたのか…。


I'm finally getting to learn some aquatic fighting techniques!海での戦いを身につける、いい機会だな。しっかり経験を積ませてもらおう。

5성 40레벨 달성

I might be a bit green, but I've been a merc long enough to see my share of battlefields.
This line of work's taken me to all sorts of settings.
From barren fields with no crops to gleaming lakes and majestic, snow-capped mountains.
And you know what those places have in common? They all look like hell when the fighting starts.
Fortunately, our little stretch of paradise here in Askr is far out of the way of battle.
And personally, I aim to keep it that way. That's our job as Heroes anyway, right?
I know it might be strange for someone who profits off war to talk about peace...
But after we're done with this little outing, I really hope this beach stays as serene as we found it.





오의 발동

You wanna get splashed?邪魔だ!
Time to ride that wave!波に乗るぞ!
This'll be a clean sweep!一掃する!
Go with the flow!流れが来てる!


Forgot to stretch...無茶しすぎたか…


Something to be said for taking the time to just unwind every once in a while.たまには戦いを忘れて、身体を休めるのも悪くないもんだ。
Hey, quit poking me! This sunburn hurts!つっつくなよ! そこは日焼けでヒリヒリしてるんだ。
Not a lotta cover along the coastline... I'll have to keep an eye out.海岸は身を隠すところがなくて、ちょっと落ち着かないな。
Surfing? Self-taught, just like my swordsmanship.波乗りは誰にならったのかって? 我流だよ。
I hear running along the beach makes for a great workout. Wanna join me?砂浜を走ると足腰が鍛えられるらしい。一緒にどうだ?
Look at all those fish! Wonder if they're tasty…南国の魚って美味いのかな…?
Want a chilled drink to cool down? I'm taking requests!冷たいものでもどうだ? 俺が作ってやるよ。

아군 턴 터치

Sounds good!いいぜ
My turn yet?出番か?
Leave it to me.任せとけ

캐릭터 페이지로