설원을 정벌하는 용병 세즈/대사


I'm Shez. My work as a mercenary brings me all over the place. So, now I'm to be a winter envoy? You got it.私はシェズ。流れの傭兵よ。今回の仕事は冬祭りの使者か…なるほど、面白そうね。契約成立よ。

The voice in my head is telling me it's not a good time to get distracted by a festival. But...I do like this job.祭りに気を取られる場合じゃないと内なる声は言うけど…私はこの仕事、気に入っているわ。
A winter festival, huh? Back in Fódlan I had no time to think of such things, what with the constant war and all.冬祭りの催しね…。フォドラの地では戦いに追われて誰かを思いやる余裕もなかったわ。
I don't have time to discuss how cold it is here. There's hordes of children waiting for presents.寒いだなんて言っていられないわ。私の贈り物を待っているたくさんの子どもたちがいるの。
These dual blades were entrusted to me. They're actually pretty handy for this job.今回の仕事にあたって、この双剣を預かったわ。なかなか使い勝手がいい武器ね。
I'll stand out like a sore thumb wearing these clothes. But...I suppose they're perfect for a winter festival.これが今回の仕事の服…戦場だと目立って仕方がないけど冬祭りならうってつけね。

친구 방문

Ah, I take it I'm at the right place? I'm here to deliver a winter-festival gift from [Friend].[召喚師]ね。[フレンド]から預かってきた冬祭りの贈り物、届けるわ。

레벨 업

I won't let anything get in my way, not with people counting on me.私を待っている人たちがいるの。足止めされるわけにはいかない。
Obstruction eliminated. I'll continue my mission.障害を排除したわ。任務を続けるわ。
At this rate, I'll be hard-pressed to make it in time.このままじゃ…予定の時間に間に合わない。


You got me a gift too? I accept.私にも贈り物があるの?特別報酬…遠慮なくもらうわね。

5성 40레벨 달성

I'm a mercenary who'll complete any job that's asked of me. It's just who I am.
I can be known to throw myself into dangerous situations for a job, even when the outcome is dire.
Still, other times, I get paid to stand around and look tough.
But this go-around stands out as being truly meaningful, since now I'm a winter envoy.
When I deliver presents to children, they smile at me and their eyes light up like stars.
I'm not picky, but if you're offering more work like this, I'd gladly take you up on it.





오의 발동

It's the winter festival!冬祭りは、これからよ!
Now I'm excited!盛り上がってきたわね
Have THIS present!特大の贈り物よ!
What a lovely evening.素敵な夜ね!


What about the gifts...そんな…贈り物…が…


As a winter envoy, I have to be sure not to get lost.冬祭りの使者なんて責任重大ね。道に迷わないようにしなくちゃ。
Ah! Oh, great. Now I've got snow in all the wrong places.ひゃっ…!? もう、雪が変なところに入っちゃったわ。
No, it's not too heavy. Pile on the gifts!贈り物が重くないかって? いいえ、もっと持てるわよ!
Walking through the snow is good training.雪の中を歩くのも、いい鍛錬になるわ。
The town looks so festive with the decorations... You don't get a lot of pretty on the battlefield.街が飾られてとても綺麗ね…戦場じゃ見られない光景よ。
*sneeze* Oh, I'm fine. Just training.はっくしゅん! へ、平気よ。鍛えてるもの。
Please, have this gift. I sure hope you like it.私からの贈り物、気に入ってくれると嬉しいんだけど。

아군 턴 터치

What now?どうするの?
I'll deliver.届けるわ

캐릭터 페이지로