천공을 그리는 마음 시구레/대사


It's good to meet you. I'm Shigure, Azura's son.
I may be a skilled singer, but on the battlefield I'll assist you with my lance from atop my pegasus.

So many people from so many worlds gather here... Tell me: What is the scenery like where you're from?ここにいると色々な世界の方と会えますね。英雄に、特務機関に、それから召喚師。あなたの世界は、どんな景色でしたか?
I was raised in the Deeprealms, but all my friends, and all those who cared for me...
They all lost their lives when the enemy struck.
Instead of walking your patrol route, would you rather join me for a ride on my pegasus?
Think of it as...a stroll through the sky. Besides, the wind up there is quite refreshing.
Care to accompany me on a small scenic tour? I want to remember every detail about this world.今度、一緒に風景を見に行きませんか。草花の色、星の光、風の匂い。ここでのことを、憶えていたいんです。
I was just drawing a picture. I think I landed upon a fitting theme. It's a great hero from another world...ちょうど今、絵を描いていたところです。我ながら良い題材なんですよ。異界の大英雄…つまり、あなたの絵です。

친구 방문

I flew here to say hello and to let you know that [Friend] is thinking well of you.挨拶を届けに飛んできました。[フレンド]さんが、あなたを気にかけていましたよ。

레벨 업

So this is what it's like on cloud nine!空を飛んでいるような素敵な気持ちですね。
This calls for a song. Aaaand a 1, 2, 3...今なら歌も上手く歌えそうですね。
That was not my best performance...今日は調子が悪いみたいです…


What beautiful power... Thank you.美しい力ですね…とても嬉しいですよ。

5성 40레벨 달성

I'm glad you've come to see me. Do you want my company on a mission? Or perhaps to just look for a rainbow.
I do enjoy being by myself, but spending time with you is also quite relaxing. Perhaps it's because...
You're not the chatty type.
I have grown fond of you. I hope you'll remember me even after we one day part ways.
Nothing would make me happier than if every time you glance at the sky or hear a song, you think of me.
Perhaps it's a bit selfish for a mere Hero to ask for such a thing from a Summoner, but it's simply how I feel.
And I thought you should know.




This is bad...まずいですね…

오의 발동

It's showtime!ショーの時間です
An encore? If you insist!声を聴かせてください
This show is over!フィナーレです
Time for my entrance.俺の出番ですね


The sky, so beautiful...空が…きれいですね…


You are the ocean's gray waves...ユラリ、ユルレリ…♪
Please...never forget me.俺のこと、ずっと憶えていてくださいね
When I gaze at the majesty of the open sky, I feel so free. Don't you?空はいいですよね、自由で、壮大で…
I'm not as skilled as my mother, but I do enjoy singing.歌は好きです、母さんほど上手ではありませんが
The scenery here is so beautiful... I want to pick up my paintbrush again. It's inspirational.ここは景色が良いですね…絵に描きたくなります
Tell me. When I leave here, will thousands of years have passed in my own world?元の世界に戻ったら数千年経っていた、なんてことはありませんよね…
Would you walk with me sometime? You could tell me more about this beautiful world and about yourself as well.いつか散歩に付き合ってくれませんか?この美しい世界と…あなたのことを、俺はもっと知りたいです。

아군 턴 터치

All right.はい
I'm Shigure.シグレです
Shall we go?行きましょう

공격 - 신장


피격 - 신장


오의 발동 - 신장

You'll be frozen solid.凍らせます
A chilling performance.雪のステージです
Hear my song.歌が聞こえます
This is the end.これで終わりです

패배 - 신장

It's freezing...寒くて…動けません…

상태창 - 신장

I'm so pleased by this outfit. Thank you for giving it to me.綺麗な衣装ですね。ありがとうございます。
You're a bit of a mischief maker, aren't you?わっ…!? あ、あなたでしたか。人が悪いですね。
I long for the opportunity to paint one of Nifl's beautiful vistas.ニフル王国の美しい景色、ぜひ絵に描いてみたいです。
Flying high on my pegasus has gotten me quite used to the cold.天馬で空の高いところに上がると、すごく寒いんですよ。
I do wonder what my mother would think of these clothes.少し照れますが、母さんにこの衣装を見てもらいたいです。
I long to sing a song to warm the hearts of all who hear it.誰かの心を温められるような…そんな歌が歌えたら…
It'd be lovely for us to take a stroll in the snow together. What do you think?雪の中をあなたと散歩できたら、すごく楽しいでしょうね。

아군 턴 터치 - 신장

As you like.わかりました
Quite a chill!寒いですね

캐릭터 페이지로