미완의 큰 그릇 시노노메/대사


I'm Shiro. Nice to meet ya! Have you heard of my father Ryoma? I'm training to be stronger than him!はじめまして。俺はシノノメだ!父さんはリョウマって名だが、知ってるか?ここでは父さん以上に強くなってみせるぜ!

Summoners sure are amazing. If I had that kind of power, I'd call the strongest Heroes and spar nonstop!すげーよな、召喚師って!俺にもそんな力があったら、強い英雄を呼び出して手合わせしまくるぜ!
I may not look it, but I'm a prince of Hoshido. Not that I knew this growing up in the Deeprealms...
I still have trouble wrapping my head around one day becoming a king.
Don't get so caught up in other tasks that you neglect your training. I can take over fishing duties for you.
Besides, there's nothing like a freshly grilled fish to get you pumped up!
I know you're not much of a fighter, but how about we test your strength? You can arm wrestle, can't you?俺と力比べでもしてみるか?あんたが戦えないってのは知ってるが、腕相撲ぐらいならできるだろ!
Yo, [Summoner]! You caught me training. I really know my way around a lance, don't ya think?お、[召喚師]!ちょうど今、訓練をしてたんだ。俺の槍さばき、なかなかのもんだろ?

친구 방문

Phew! I ran all the way here to give you this greeting from [Friend].邪魔するぞーっ![フレンド]から挨拶だ!ここまで全力で走ってきたんだぜ!

레벨 업

This is what I've been training for!これが、俺の求めた強さなのか…!
Oh yeah! Getting stronger by the day!うっし。順調に強くなってるぜ。
Maybe I didn't train enough... I need to step it up.鍛錬不足か?我ながら情けねえ…!


Is this your way of telling me I need to build inner strength, too?内面を強くするのも大事…そういうことだろ?

5성 40레벨 달성

Yo, you got some time today? Then let's chat! I've had something on my mind for a while now...
You're the strongest member of the Order of Heroes, right? I mean, your strategies are pretty solid...
Not to mention how you can summon all those awesome Heroes!
Since coming here, you helped me realize there's more to being strong than swinging a weapon.
I've really come to admire your type of strength. So I'll make up for the fact you can't fight like the rest of us.
If you ever need help, just give me a holler and I'll come running. I'll take out any enemy who gets in your way!
You've truly mastered the power of your soul. So until I learn how to use that sort of strength for myself...
allow me to fight by your side.
いいか? あんたは俺の心の師匠だ。その強さ、いつか超えられるまで…こうして傍で闘わせてくれよな。





오의 발동

Any last words?未練はないな?
You ready for this?奥義!
I won't give up!諦めねえよ!
I won't lose.負けてたまるか!


Father... I'm sorry...父さん、ごめん…


You're saying I can get stronger by helping the Order of Heroes?特務機関にいると強くなれそうだな
If you're feeling a bit sluggish, let's head out for a run.体がなまってるなら、一緒に走ろうぜ
Lances beat katana, so that means I should be able to best my father.槍は刀より強し! これなら父さんにも勝てるだろ?
If it's all right with you, let me help out with your work around here. I can turn anything into a training session!良かったらあんたの仕事、手伝うぜ。何事も訓練の一環だ。
I want to test my skills. Do you know any Heroes who would be up for sparring?腕試しをしたいんだが、付き合ってくれる英雄はいるか?
Someday I'll inherit Raijinto from my father...俺はいつか、父さんの雷神刀を継いでみせる…
I always try to fight the strongest foes I can find, but I don't try to take them on alone anymore. I want to keep fighting by your side.強いやつと戦うのは好きだ。けど、もう一人で無茶はしない。俺はあんたと…それから、みんなと一緒に戦いたいんだ。

아군 턴 터치

I'm Shiro!シノノメだ!
Let's battle!戦おうぜーっ!

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