미래의 암야왕 지크베르트/대사


It's good to meet you. I'm Siegbert. Prince Xander of Nohr is my father, so as a future king, I'll give it my all.はじめまして、私の名はジークベルト。暗夜王国の王子マークスが私の父上だ。私も未来の王として、精一杯力を尽くすよ。

Prince Alfonse is amazing. I could learn a lot from him. His mannerisms and battle etiquette are so polished.アルフォンス王子はすごいね。所作も戦場での立ち回りも洗練されている…私も見習わないといけないな。
I was raised in the Deeprealms, so there is much about the world I still do not know.
That's not to say my education was lacking. But if in your eyes I leave something to be desired, do tell me.
Please leave the patrols to me. You needn't hesitate to assign me tasks just because I'm a prince.
We are all of the same standing here. Everyone is a fellow soldier.
Would you allow me to watch your summoning ceremony up close? I have never seen such a skill before.
It's quite amazing. If I had a power like that, then I...
I was just reading a book in the Order's library, when I—
What? I'm not allowed in the library?! M-my apologies! How could I have made such a mistake?!
機関の書庫にあった本を読んでいたよ。え!? た、立ち入り禁止だったのかい?すまない、私としたことが…!

친구 방문

I come with a fond greeting from [Friend]. This castle looks entertaining...
Would you mind if I visited again?

레벨 업

I've grown so much so suddenly!こんなに上がって大丈夫なのかい…!?
I'm an even greater help to the team.良かった…これで皆の役に立てるよ。
I'm still too young, it seems...すまない。私が未熟なせいで…


Many thanks for this! I'll make good use of it.光栄だ。皆の期待に沿えるよう頑張るよ。

5성 40레벨 달성

Well met, [Summoner]. Checking in while on patrol, are you? There's nothing to report here.
Huh? You're not on patrol, but you're here to chat? Well, I must admit... I do look forward to talking with you.
Back home, most are too aware that I'm the future king of Nohr to engage me with anything but pleasantries.
But I'm glad people are more open to approaching me here.
It's not that I dislike my home—that's not it at all. However, here I can be honest and I can truly express myself.
You've become important to me, in a way that exceeds friendship. I raise my sword for you, my compatriot.
…え? 見回りではなく、私と話しに?それは嬉しいな…ありがとう。実を言うと君と話すのは楽しみなんだ。





오의 발동

Be ready!覚悟してくれ
No holding back!手加減はしない
Kneel before me!ひれ伏すんだ!
I will end this!決着をつける!


I'm sorry...Father...すみません、父上…


Everything in this kingdom is so...beautiful. So much abundance!ここは豊かで美しい国だね
I cannot shirk my studies if I wish to become a great king.立派な王になるために、勉学は怠らないよ
I'm awfully curious about the Order of Heroes... Tell me, are the regulations very strict?特務機関という組織…興味深いね。規律は厳しいのかい?
I'd like to talk with as many people from this world as I can.この世界の人々にも、色々と話を聞きたいな
I must admit, I'm a little jealous of that divine weapon you carry...君は立派な神器を持っているんだね、少し羨ましいよ
When will the day come that I finally swing Siegfried with my own hand?いつか…この手でジークフリートを振るう時が来るのだろうか…
The burden of living up to my father has weighed on my mind for some time. I wish to be as great a prince as he, so you will have my support until this war is over.ずっと思っていたんだ…私は、父上のような強き王子でありたいと。戦が終わるその時まで、あなたの力になろう。

아군 턴 터치

I'm Siegbert.ジークベルトだ
Let's do this together.共に行こう

캐릭터 페이지로