충절의 천마기사 시그룬/대사


Pleasure to meet you. I am Sigrun, commander of the Empress Sanaki's Holy Guard.はじめてお目にかかります。サナキ様より聖天馬騎士団を預かるシグルーンと申しますわ、見知りおきを。

Oh, Empress Sanaki...may you be kept ever safe from harm...ああ、サナキ様…どうかご無事で…
My duty is to protect Empress Sanaki, the apostle, symbol of the Begnion Empire—even if it costs me my life.私の使命はベグニオン帝国の象徴にして神使たるサナキ様をお守りすること…そのためなら命も捧げる覚悟です。
Thanks to you, everything has gone smoothly during my time here. Your thoughtfulness is truly appreciated.おかげさまで、こちらの生活に不自由を感じることはありません。お心遣いに感謝いたします。
I must head out on patrol—in order to acclimate myself to the winds of this unknown world, you see.これより哨戒に行って参ります。この未知の世界の風に慣れておきたいのです。
When I see members of the Order of Heroes fighting for their beliefs, I am struck by the beauty of their nobility.民のため、国のためにと日々戦う特務機関の方々を見ていると、その志の尊さが美しく感じられます。

친구 방문

Pardon me if I startled you. I come bearing a symbol of friendship from [Friend].頭上からのご無礼をお許し下さい。[フレンド]様から友好の証をお預かりして参りました。

레벨 업

Magnificent! I must give thanks for the guidance of the goddess and the apostle.なんと誇らしい気持ちでしょう。女神と神使のお導きに感謝いたします。
Well, all right. Leave the defense of the skies to me!ふふ…空の守りはお任せ下さい。
How shameful... I brought this on myself with my negligence, I'm sure.なんとお恥ずかしい…私の心の油断が招いた結果なのでしょう。


I am honored by your guidance. My lance is yours.この導きを光栄に思います。どうぞ私の槍をお役立て下さい。

5성 40레벨 달성

So, tell me...has even the summoner concluded that I worry too much?
Well, war isn't won just by crossing swords. There are supplies to gather, troops to train, tactics to study...
Even a large and mighty army may collapse without support, by virtue of its size alone! ...Hey! You listening?
Hmm... So nonchalant... Not unlike Empress Sanaki in that regard... *ahem* Moving on...
Oh! Allow me to offer some insight into proper battle preparations. Point me toward the nearest chalkboard!





오의 발동

For the Holy Guard!親衛隊の力を!
All units, attack!全軍、突撃!
For the apostle!神使様のために!
I think not!いけませんわ




I am Sigrun, commander of the Holy Guard and protector of Begnion.ベグニオン帝国神使親衛隊長、シグルーンと申します。
Ah, hello. How may I be of help?きゃっ…まあ、どうされたのですか…?
Is Empress Sanaki here by chance?もし、サナキ様はこちらへいらっしゃいましたか?
The goddess created the Beorc and Laguz. They are both precious to her.ベオクもラグズも、女神が創り出された尊い命に変わりありません。
Apostle Sanaki may be young, but she holds the people in her heart, always. I am proud to serve her.幼くとも、その心は民のために…サナキ様は私の誇りです。
Empress Sanaki...I am proud to protect and follow you.私の忠誠は、サナキ様ご自身に。
Being here with you…it pleases me very much.私は幸せですわ。あなたと共にいられるのですもの…

아군 턴 터치

Are you well?お元気ですか?
We can do this.お供致します

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