운명의 성기사 시구르드/대사


I am Sigurd of Chalphy. My father, my dear friends, and all those under me risked everything...
Now, all I am left with are my regrets.

If Heroes from across times and places gather here, does that mean our crusader ancestors are here?
If so, I hope to have an audience with them.
I promised that when the fighting ended we would all join each other in celebration, but...
Regretfully, that promise can no longer be kept.
There is not much one can achieve on their own. It is wise to seek advice from friends. Remember, I am here.一人の力だけで達成できることは多くない。頼れる仲間を集め、相談してみてはどうかな。もちろん、私も力になろう。
Deirdre... If our meeting was fated, the tragedy that followed must, too, have been an inevitability...
Even so, I will never regret my love for her.
Shannan and Oifey raised Seliph to be a great man in my stead. I wish I could express my full appreciation.シャナンもオイフェも、私に代わりセリスを立派に育ててくれた。彼らにはいくら感謝しても足りないほどだ。

친구 방문

Here you are. For having been good to [Friend].私はシグルド。きみが[召喚師]か…[フレンド]は良い友を持った。

레벨 업

Battle is not a simple matter of strength. Without it, however, some things cannot be protected...戦いは力がすべてではない。だが力が無ければ守れぬものもある。いまは、これでいい……
Baldr grant me the strength to fight once more...聖戦士バルドよ、もう一度、私に戦う力を…
It is too late for anger. I must take one step at a time... I must keep moving forward.もはや恐れるものなどない。一歩、また一歩……私はただ進みゆくのみ。


I thank you. I hope to repay this kindness you've done me.感謝する。厚意には正しく報いたい。

5성 40레벨 달성

I fought for my beliefs, my ideals. My blood hot, I took up the sword, my honor and pride on the line.
Even so, I asked myself, why must we wage this war? For the light? The light...
Back then I could not see the evil of which Claud of Edda spoke, the rage in the shadows of the world.
Although I do not regret my choices, chasing after what was before me distracted me from the true evil.
My fate may have been unavoidable. But seeing you work revives that drive to pursue my ideals once more.
Keep the kindness, courage, and strength in your heart burning...
By doing so, a world without war will one day arrive, and a world of light will be ours. In that I have every faith.





오의 발동

There is nothing to fear.恐れることはない
Withdraw your blade!剣をひいてくれ!
I will see it done.果たしてみせる…
On your guard!覚悟せよ!


And yet I fall...まだ…至らないか…


I am Sigurd, of House Chalphy.シアルフィ公国の公子、シグルドという。
Oh? Have you something to ask me? I will listen.おっと…何だい? 私に何か用かな。
I, a Legendary Hero? I find that difficult to credit.私が伝承の英雄…? 信じられないな。
My wife Deirdre commands remarkable magic. Together, we will lend you our strength.我が妻ディアドラも優れた魔道の使い手だ。共に力を貸そう。
I descend from the crusader Baldr. On the battlefield, I strive to stay worthy to his name.聖騎士バルドの血をひく者として恥ずかしい戦いはできない。
Seliph has grown into a remarkable young man. He has exceeded my expectations.セリスは私の期待以上の立派な若者に育ったのだな…
I am honored to fight shoulder to shoulder with you.こうして君と肩を並べて戦えることが私の喜びだ。

아군 턴 터치

Well, well.そうか
Of course.やむを得まい
I shall strike!討って出る!

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