성기사 시구르드/대사


I am Sigurd. I am the heir to the duchy of Chalphy and descend from the crusader Baldr.私はシグルド。シアルフィ公国公子、聖戦士バルドの血を受け継ぐ者だ。

I love Deirdre—so much so that even were my love for her a crime, I would continue to love her without regret.私はディアドラを愛している。たとえこの愛が罪だとしても、決して後悔などしない。
Eldigan, my dear friend... Why were you fated to die?我が友エルトシャン…なぜ彼が死ななければならなかったのか…
I know there's a lot of work to do, and many rely on you.
Surely, though, you can find others willing to take on some of these tasks. I, for one, would be happy to help.
My son, Seliph, is safe. Nothing else could make me happier.セリスは…我が子は無事でいてくれた。それを何より嬉しく思う。
When the fighting is done, I will rejoin my son, Seliph. This is the promise I made him.戦いが終われば、必ず我が子セリスを迎えに行く…私はかつてそう約束した。

친구 방문

Are you [Summoner]?
Good. I bring a letter for you, from [Friend].

레벨 업

As a descendant of Baldr, I will not betray your confidence in me.私も聖戦士バルドの末裔、きみの信頼を裏切りはしない。
I must get stronger. My country and its people need me.強くならなければならない。国を、民を守るために。
What a poor example I set.これでは皆に示しがつかないな…


You honor me more than I deserve. I will repay you.身に余る名誉だ。さらなる貢献を約束しよう。

5성 40레벨 달성

When others schemed against us, my father and I were branded as traitors. Our family's honor was lost.
I fought to bring the truth to light and honor back to our name. But I failed.
Seliph fought so hard to dispel the regrets I left behind, even at his young age...
The Scion of Light, eradicating the darkness, and avenging his father— that's how people must see him.
Of course, there's more than one way to look at things. Evil can be seen as good—and good, evil.
This is, unfortunately, something I learned too late.
I must explain this to Seliph. It is my duty as his father—I must do what I can to help him become a true king.





오의 발동

Here I come!私が討つ!
One strike will decide it all!一気に撃破する!
I cannot allow this.許せない…
Raise your sword!剣をおさめよ!


Deirdre, I'm sorry.すまない…ディアドラ…


(light chuckle)ふふ
I'd be honored to have you as an advisor, if you're willing.もしよければ、私の相談相手になってもらえたらありがたい。
Hm? My apologies. Did you call for me?? すまない、私を呼んだだろうか?
Your kindness and concern for others is the reason so many people look up to you. I'm sure of it.君が多くの人から慕われる理由は、その優しさにあるのだろうな。
I hope I can always count on your strength. It's true. I need your help.これからも君の力を貸してほしい。…ああ、そうだ。君が欲しい。
If my love for Deirdre is a crime, please punish me, and only me!この愛が罪だというのなら…罰は私一人が受けよう…
Seliph, I hope that you can forgive me one day. Please... Grow into a strong man. One people look up to.セリス、父を許せよ…どうか…立派に育ってくれ…
I swear that I will use every ounce of my strength to protect you.私の力のかぎり、君を守ると約束しよう。

아군 턴 터치

Very well.わかった
I trust you.君を信じよう
I swear it.約束しよう

공격 - 신장


피격 - 신장


오의 발동 - 신장

Let them meet their end.死に誘おう
This, too, is fate!これも運命だ
Struggle not.悪あがきはよせ
Make your peace. Quickly.せめて安らかに…

패배 - 신장

It is my turn to sleep...私も…眠るとしよう…

상태창 - 신장

So it was you that readied this new raiment for me. You have my thanks.新しい衣装を用意してくれたのか。礼を言う。
Ugh... You must quit this silly habit of pestering others.!? まったく君は…心臓に悪いな。
When we step onto the battlefield, death lurks in the shadows. Always.戦場に立つ以上、私たちは常に死と隣り合わせだ。
This suits me? Please, I would hear your unvarnished thoughts.似合っているかい? 君の率直な意見を聞かせてくれ。
These clothes make a set with Eldigan's? That takes me right back to our academy days.エルトシャンと揃いの服か、まるで士官学校の頃のようだな。
Attired like this...I can just picture Deirdre's astonished face. *chuckle*ディアドラの驚く顔が目に浮かぶようだ。ふふっ…
I must ensure that you do not die. I will protect you with my life.私の命をかけて君を守ってみせる。決して死なせはしない。

아군 턴 터치 - 신장

Ah, yes.承知した
Hmm, troublesome.難しいな
Let us end it.終わりにしよう

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