성의의 한 잔 시구르드/대사
I am Sigurd of House Chalphy. I thought it would be apropos to invite my comrades to a relaxing tea. | 私はシアルフィ家のシグルド。仲間たちとの絆を深めるためにお茶会の席を設けたいと思ってね。 |
Teatime etiquette is, in a way, it's own form of chivalry. A bevy of good manners is no waste here. | こういった場での礼儀作法も騎士の嗜み、決して無駄ではないんだ。 |
Between battles long past, such moments of peace and quiet as these were a rarity. | かつての戦いでは、このように穏やかな日々を過ごせることは少なかった。 |
This change of garb has me slightly more on edge than expected. Yet, I will endeavor to wear it with pride. | いつもの装束と違って少し緊張してしまうが…着こなす努力をしてみよう。 |
What could be more enjoyable than sharing a pleasant tea with one's family? | 妻と子でテーブルを囲み笑顔でお茶を楽しめたならどんなに幸せなことだろう。 |
I wish to ensure my comrades find ample moments of respite. Therefore, I shall eagerly fill their waiting teacups! | 大切な仲間に穏やかな時間を過ごしてほしい。その一心で私はカップにお茶を注いでいるんだ。 |
친구 방문
I am Sigurd of House Chalphy. I come bearing an invitation to share tea with [Friend]. | 私はシアルフィ家のシグルド。[フレンド]よりお茶会への招待状をお持ちした。 |
레벨 업
I shall put my hospitality to the test. Please sit back, relax, and allow me to attend to your every whim. | 私なりのもてなしだ。気兼ねなく、くつろいでほしい。 |
The art of making tea is astonishingly complex. The more I delve into the details, the more fascinated I become. | お茶会の作法は奥が深い。知れば知るほど興味を掻き立てられるよ。 |
This failure shall be my life's blood, for the next tea I brew will be unparalleled. | この失敗を糧にしよう。次こそは最高のお茶を淹れてみせる。 |
Allow me to repay this kindness at our next tea party. Your cup will have my unyielding attention. | この恩はお茶会で返すとしよう。誠心誠意、真心の一杯を約束する。 |
5성 40레벨 달성
Certainly my efforts were not in vain. Serving tea was well worth it if only to see my comrades' smiling faces. It is for such serene moments as these that we risk our lives, for what could be more symbolic of peace? I may brandish a weapon every day in search of peace, but I cannot let that turn my heart cold. It is vital that we acknowledge the value of peace and hold the sharing of joy to the utmost import. When these conflicts have subsided, know your cup will overflow with my appreciation. | とても有意義なお茶会だったよ。お茶を楽しむ仲間たちの笑顔… この穏やかな時間こそが我々が命をかけて守るべきもの。平和の象徴たる存在なのだろう。 平和を脅かす敵と戦い続ける日々。だが、それだけでは心が枯れる。 平和の価値を知り誰もが笑いあえる時間の尊さ。それを知ることも大切なのだ。 すべての戦乱が収まったとき君にも真心の一杯を注がせてほしいものだ。 |
- | やっ |
- | どうだ! |
- | うっ… |
- | 手元が…! |
오의 발동
You are most welcome. | もてなそう |
Let your cares fade. | くつろいでくれ |
I hope you like it. | 美味しいかな? |
Have a lovely time. | 素敵な時間を |
If you'll excuse me... | 少し…休憩しよう… |
- | ははっ |
Though I am yet an amateur, I can certainly do my utmost. | 熟練には程遠いが、心を込めてもてなそう。 |
*start* Now, now. This is the time to be on your best behavior. | !? こら、今はふざけていい時ではないだろう。 |
Ah! Tss! That was hot! I apologize for my clumsiness. | 熱っ…! ああ、不慣れですまないな。 |
Deirdre also enjoys tea. We often converse over a freshly brewed pot. | 妻も茶が好きでね、よくふたりでたしなみながら語らうよ。 |
It seems that I must strike a balance between comfort and formality, while also maintaining an air of elegance... The art of the tea service is complex. | 威圧感を与えず、だが気品を持って…給仕というのも奥が深い。 |
I hope that one day my family can enjoy a moment of peace together. | いつか親子三人で、穏やかなひと時を過ごしたいものだ。 |
If you found respite while sipping tea...nothing could please me more. | 君が心からくつろげる時間をすごせたのなら、それに勝る喜びはない。 |
아군 턴 터치
But of course. | ああ |
Here you are. | 次は… |
What would you like? | お呼びかい? |