우정의 기사 사이러스/대사


My name is Silas, a knight of Nohr. I'm a little surprised I was summoned, but I'll do what I can to help!俺の名はサイラス。暗夜王国の騎士だ。急に呼ばれて驚いたが…力が必要なら、全力で応えよう。

Whether as a knight or as a Hero, my mission remains unchanged—fight on behalf of all citizens. I'll do my best.騎士と呼ばれても英雄と呼ばれても、民たちのために戦うことに変わりはない…特務機関の助けになるよう頑張るさ。
I was a castle knight back in Nohr. But I was still green... Someday I'll be a knight my friend can be proud of.暗夜王国では王城騎士をしていた。と言っても、入りたての新人だけどな。いつか親友に胸を張れる騎士になってやる。
I hear you're from another world too. Getting used to a new place isn't easy, so let's help each other out.お前もこの世界の人間じゃないんだってな。お互い、ここでの生活は慣れないけど…異世界の者同士支えあっていこう。
How about we invite some other Heroes to head into town together sometime soon...
I'd like to see someplace other than a battlefield. Give it some thought, OK?
Oh, I was just checking up on my horse's gear. Finding replacements for my own gear is tough enough.
I need everything I came here with to last until I can return home.

친구 방문

Friends are the treasure of a lifetime, so be sure to care for yours. Tidings from [Friend].[フレンド]から挨拶だ。友達って、一生の財産だよな。この友情をどうか大切にしてくれ。

레벨 업

I'm a step closer to being a great knight!あの頃夢見た騎士に近づいているだろうか…
I'm stronger today than I was yesterday.昨日の俺よりも今日の俺の方が強いんだ。
Hmm... Maybe I need to train more?うーん…訓練が足りなかったのか?


Thanks to your help, I'm on my way to becoming a proper knight.また一歩、立派な騎士に近づけた。お前のおかげだ、ありがとう!

5성 40레벨 달성

Thanks for coming to chat with me. It's a good distraction. I've grown used to this world by now, but...
There are still a lot of Heroes around here I don't know. I didn't realize how tense that made me.
And you wouldn't believe how stiff that's made my shoulders!
Huh? You want to give me a shoulder rub? Heh, I must be a pretty big deal to garner such attention from you!
I'm kidding of course... But that does feel better already. Speaking with you is just as soothing, I might say.
You'll have to let me return the favor. Do you have any problems you'd like me to help you resolve?
No need to hold back. Ask me anything. After all, our friendship spans both space and time, right?
お、なんだ? 肩もみしてくれるのか。召喚師がそんなサービスしてくれるなんて俺も大した英雄になったもんだ…なんてな。




Not good...!まずいな…!

오의 발동

I'll make this quick.これで決める!
I WILL protect my friends!みんなを守る!
On my honor as a knight.騎士の誓いだ!
You're not getting past me!通しはしない!


I let you down...すまな…い……


I became a knight hoping to one day reunite with my best friend.俺は親友に再会するために騎士になったんだ
If you ever need advice, come to me. I'll do what I can to help.相談事なら任せてくれ、きっと力になれるはずだ
Uh... This is just how my hair grows. Please don't try to fix it.こ、これは寝ぐせじゃなくて髪型だ、直そうとしなくていい
Some people call me a do-gooder, but is that really a bad thing?お人好しだって言われるが…それってそんなに悪いことか?
I'd hate to be your enemy. You could summon an entire army!兵を次々に召喚するだなんて、お前は敵に回したら恐ろしいな
Askr has so much. I hope that, one day, Nohr will be like this.アスク王国は豊かだな…暗夜王国も、いつかこんな風に…
On my honor as a knight, I promise to fight valiantly and protect this kingdom. I vow this to the Order of Heroes, and to you.俺は騎士として立派に闘って、必ずこの国を守ってみせる。特務機関の皆と…お前に誓う。

아군 턴 터치

One for all!みんなのために
Together, now.共に頑張ろう

캐릭터 페이지로