아름다운 마도사 소니아/대사


I am Sonya. I have to say, the power gathering in this castle is dazzling... It's like thousands of dancing colors.私はソニア。この城に集まっている力は強烈ね。幾千もの色が、鮮やかに舞い踊るよう……

My body and soul belong to me and no one else. I'll never give myself over to the control of another.私の身体も魂も、私自身のものよ。ほかの誰の好きにもさせるものですか。
Women who give their souls to Duma become witches. And yet my father was willing to... Urgh. My poor sisters.ドーマ神に魂を捧げた女性は「魔女」に成り果てる。私の二人の姉は、父によって――
To be beautiful, you have to be brutally honest about what you see in the mirror.私は美しくありたいの。自分のことを客観的に見られなくなったらおしまいだと思っているわ。
Some people don't know how lucky they are just to have a warm bed and a full belly.日々の食事に心配がなく、温かい部屋で寝られることの幸せに気付かないような手合いは嫌いですの。
One day, my power will surpass my father's...and I will at last be able to reclaim my sisters' souls.いつか私は、父を超える力を手に入れる。そして姉さんたちの魂を取り戻す術を探し出してみせるわ。

친구 방문

I hope you won't mind me saying, but you seem to be getting along very well with [Friend]...[フレンド]とはどういう関係?私の知らないようなことがあるのかしら?

레벨 업

This is exactly what I needed—power. But I must have more!そうよ……これが必要なの。ちょうだい、もっと!
Not enough... I need more power.足りない……こんな力では。
No... At this rate, I will never be able to undo my father's twisted sacrifices to Duma...父がつくり出す魔女は、要は生贄よ。戦神ドーマへの捧げもの……


So, this is how it feels to be reborn.生まれ変わるってこんな気分かしら。

5성 40레벨 달성

You want to know what I'm researching? Oh, don't take stock in the rumors going around.
Unless, that is...you are asking out of genuine care, rather than mere curiosity.
Fine. I am studying possible ways to reclaim my sisters' souls from Duma. And from my father, Jedah.
Such power can only be achieved through forbidden means...which is to say it's not exactly safe.
I suspect that to accomplish my goal, I will have to forsake the person I am altogether.
And if that's not enough to scare you off, then I suppose you really are a true friend.





오의 발동

No more games.遊びは終わり
You're joking!それで本気?
Let's wrap this up.もういいかしら
Reap the whirlwind.飛んでっちゃえ


I slipped up...油断したわ…


If you want to be a great enchantress, you have to look the part.偉大な魔道士にはそれなりの衣装が必要よね。
Ow! Must you always act so childish?きゃっ!? やあねえ、いつまでも子供なんだから…
With one strong gale from Caliburnus, I'll sweep our enemies off their feet.このカリブルヌスで、あなたの敵はぜーんぶ吹き飛ばしちゃうわ。
I'll never say no to a gorgeous outfit. Makes me feel that much more dangerous.衣装が豪華だと気分が上がるわ。いつもより力が出せそう。
I think I've learned a thing or two here in Askr.アスク王国での経験が、私を成長させてくれたのよ。
Even if you have all the power in the world...there will still be things you lose and can never get back.強大な力を手に入れても、取り戻せないものもあるわよね…
So, now that I'm reborn, what do you make of me?生まれ変わった私は、あなたの目にどう映るのかしら?

아군 턴 터치

Wise choice.いい判断ね
Yes, let's.そうしましょ
Off I go.お出ましよ

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