축제의 예언자 소피야/대사


I am...Sophia, a priestess from the Nabata Desert. My vision of this festival is one of gratitude and joy.ナバタの里の巫女…ソフィーヤです。私が感じていた予感は…このお祭りで皆が笑顔になる未来…

The harvest festival is a chance for everyone to get to know each other... So...why do some insist on fighting?こんなに素敵なお祭りを催せるのに…どうして外の世界の人々は戦いをやめないのでしょう…?
We...never did anything like this back in my village in Nabata, so all of this is...quite the shock.人里離れたナバタの里にはこのようなお祭りはなかったので…びっくりすることばかりです…
At first...I was taken aback by this outfit. But now that I've worn it for a while...it has grown on me.この装束…最初は驚きましたが、着ているうちにだんだん気に入ってきました…。
Festivals may end...but their spirits live on. Gratitude for the land's bounty will light the path forward.このお祭りは…きっと成功します。大地の恵みへの感謝の心が…輝きとなって、未来を照らすでしょう…
Trickery, you say? Oh... I don't think I have it in me. Have you asked Fae? I'm certain...she would love all this.私にイタズラができるでしょうか…ファならきっと得意だと思うのですが…

친구 방문

You are [Friend]'s friend...right?
My name is Sophia. This is...a token of the land's bounty.

레벨 업

I feel light-headed, but...in a good way this time.楽しいときも…身体はふわふわするのですね…。
I foresee that my trick will succeed...私のイタズラ…成功する予感がします…
Oh, my... Did I truly frighten you? My apologies.す、すみません。怖がらせてしまいましたか…?


I must give thanks for the land's generosity...and for yours. I will etch this feeling into my heart.実りに…感謝を。この喜び、しっかりと胸に刻みます…

5성 40레벨 달성

When I received an invitation to this festival...I began to experience visions of people laughing and smiling...
Now that I have spent time with other festivalgoers, it is clear that they were the ones whom I saw.
In the remote Nabata Desert, I lived away from the wider world, unaware of anything beyond its borders.
But...this festival has shown me that the world is an amazing place, filled with amazing people.
I am glad to have had the chance to see so many new, smiling faces. It...truly means a lot to me.





오의 발동

How sweet...甘いです…
Candy, please...お菓子を…ください…
Tricked you!トリックオアトリート…!
The festival spirit...お祭りです…


What...a treat...楽しかった…です…


I've been told...this is for the harvest festival...今日は…収穫祭だそうです…
Oh... Candy? ...For me? How kind of you...きゃっ…! あ…お菓子を…わたしに…?
Are spiders...scary enough?この衣装は…蜘蛛なんですけど…怖いですか…?
Fae will be looking forward to sweets...so I will do my best for her...お菓子をたくさん集めて…ファにあげようと思います…
The festival atmosphere is certainly infectious... What fun...賑やかで…楽しくて…体がふわふわします…
The festival lights twinkle...like little stars...お祭りの飾りがきらきらしていて…夢見たいです…
I...had some extra candy, so...I thought we could share.あの…このお菓子…あなたと一緒に食べたいんです…

아군 턴 터치

In that case...そうですか…
Is this...a trick?驚きましたか…?
On my way...いってきます…

캐릭터 페이지로