나바타의 예언자 소피야/대사
I am...Sophia. I am...? Forgive me— I get winded. I am a priestess from the Nabata Desert. | 私の名前…ナバタの里の巫女…ソフィーヤです… |
Castles and towns... And so many people... My, it's all so...different from what I'm used to! | 外の世界の、お城…街…大地…人々…なにもかも、珍しくて…どきどきしています。 |
I was raised to...avoid... outsiders. | 『外』とは…深く関わってはいけない…そう言われています… |
I am half human, half dragon... But why should halves...divide us? My halves make me...whole. | 私の半分は人…半分は竜…でも、それで…いいんです。そのどちらも…ぜんぶ…私ですから… |
How I long for my village. And most of all...the oasis there. The waters, so pure! | 里のことは…時々懐かしく思います。里のオアシスで…水浴びがしたいです… |
I have been...outside on rare occasion. Everyone can seem so odd to me. For instance, some arrows are called...quarrels. Isn't that strange? | 『外』には、少しだけ…いたことがあります。戦争で使う大きな矢… くぉ…れる…?そういう名前だと教わりました。 |
친구 방문
You there... You must be... [Summoner]? I have seen...your future. | あなた…[召喚師]さんですね…あなたの未来は… |
레벨 업
I foresaw that...today would be a good day. | 今日は良いことが…そんな未来が…見えました… |
I foresaw that this would come to pass. | やっぱり…そんな予感が…ありました… |
My future looks suddenly... very dim. | 私の未来は…明るくない…みたいです… |
This—! And my dragon blood—! So light-headed... | 体が、ふわふわします…私の中の…竜の血が… |
5성 40레벨 달성
Your future...has shifted and swirled since we met. At first, your future was a fog that not even my eyes could pierce. Over time, I made out the faintest nimbus around you. A weak glow, if you will. That glow has grown, illumined by light—many lights, from many sources! These have mystified me until recently, when I realized that I...am one of those lights. You invite such lights to you, and your glow is becoming like a beacon, banishing the fog! And so...I want to stay with you to see what your future will look like when the fog...is gone. | あなたの未来が…変わりつつあります… 最初は…ぼんやりとした薄雲のような未来しか見えませんでした… でも、そこに数々の光が集まり、だんだん輝きを増していくのが…見えるようになりました… 良かったです…そして私が…あなたのまわりの光の一つだったら…嬉しいです… はい…これからもあなたの行く末をあなたの傍で見守りたい…そう思っています… |
えい… | |
はい… |
きゃああっ…! | |
That...hurts... | いたい…です |
오의 발동
Here I go... | 行きます… |
I'll do my best... | これを、こうして… |
The dark within... | 私の…闇… |
I must fight... | 戦わ…なきゃ… |
The light... | 光は…ないのね… |
Heehee... | ふふ… |
Oh...? Did you need me? | え…わたし…ですか…? |
Is that...how you say hello? | そういう…あいさつ…ですか? |
The outside world...! So vast! | 外って…広いんですね… |
All of this... So exciting! | なんだか…どきどきします… |
I feel light-headed... | 体が…ふわふわします… |
My blood... Half is that of dragons. | 私の半分は…『竜』の血が… |
What relief I feel...when I'm near you. | あなたといると…ほっとします… |
아군 턴 터치
Yes...? | はい… |
Of course. | はい…? |
I'll try. | やってみます… |
공격 - 신장
それ… | |
これで… |
피격 - 신장
ああっ… | |
Stop... | やめて… |
오의 발동 - 신장
Stop it... | 止まってください… |
I won't let you pass. | 通しません… |
I, too, can help... | 私も…力に… |
I'll protect them... | 守ってみせる… |
패배 - 신장
Into the darkness... | 闇の…中に… |
상태창 - 신장
sigh... | ふう… |
These clothes are from Embla... What do you think? | エンブラ帝国の服に着替えてみました…。あの…どうでしょう… |
Ah! Fae also teases me this way. | あ…。ファにも…よく同じことをされました… |
To close the gates... The royal family of Embla must have great power... | 異界の扉を閉じる…? エンブラの王族の方は…すごい力を持っているんですね… |
All wrapped up in a cloak...I feel safe. | マントを羽織ると安心します… |
I wonder... if they saw me like this... what would Fae and Igrene say? | この姿…ファやイグレーヌさんは…何ていうでしょうか… |
Wearing new clothing...it's very exciting. | 新しい衣装…なんだか…どきどきします… |
As long as I am with you... I can go anywhere...even a new country... | あなたと一緒なら…どんな国にいっても大丈夫です… |
아군 턴 터치 - 신장
I see... | わかりました… |
Hmm? | えっと…? |
I will do my best... | がんばります… |