신장의 곁에 있는 자 세네리오/대사


I'm here to support Ike, commander of the Greil Mercenaries.グレイル傭兵団の団長アイク、僕は彼を支えるためにここへ来ました。

This is the garb of an arch sage of Tellius. Supposedly it bolsters the wearer's magic.この装束はテリウス大陸の大賢者が纏うもの。魔道の力を高める効果があるそうです。
The vicious cycle of abuse and hatred will continue for as long as there are those willing to perpetuate it.虐げる者と虐げられる者が存在する限り、負の連鎖は永遠に断ち切れません。
Ike spoke to me of Askr's future. I suppose that means this place must have at least some value.アイクがこの国の未来について語っていました。アスク王国にはそれだけの価値があるということでしょう。
I calculate what is necessary to achieve victory—no more, no less.勝つために必要なものはなにか。僕はそれを拾い上げていくだけです。
I've heard a great deal of the tactical prowess of Robin of Ylisse. Someone I should consult with, perhaps...イーリス聖王国のルフレ…なるほど。軍師としての才は確かなようですね。使えそうな人材として覚えておきましょう。

친구 방문

I've come to deliver a personal letter from [Friend].
You're [Summoner]? Great. Here.

레벨 업

I will not rest until Ike's vision for the world has become a reality.アイクの理想を形にするまで僕は歩みを止めません。
No need to get excited. Victory was a foregone conclusion.浮かれる必要はありません。勝って当たり前の戦いです。
I won't waste time dwelling on a failed strategy. Let's just revise and move forward.失策を嘆く時間など無駄です。前に進む策こそ講じるべきです。


Excellent—more tactical options. I will make good use of this.これで作戦の選択肢が増えます。有効に活用させてもらいましょう。

5성 40레벨 달성

Let me make one thing absolutely clear to you, [Summoner].
I am not aiding the Order of Heroes out of any concern for its future or its people.
I am merely following Ike's lead—and he has placed his trust in you, for the time being.
So, if I were you, I would take great care to honor that trust in good faith.
That said, for as long as Ike continues to find your cause worthy...
You will have my full support. I give you my word on that.





오의 발동

No quarter.手加減はなしです
One less threat.殲滅します
Just give up.あきらめてください
Weaker than expected.その程度ですか




Fancy clothing won't disguise a lack of substance.徒に衣装を豪華にしたところで、中身が伴わなければ意味がありません。
Be reasonable. I have things to do.…あなたのその聞き分けのない手、どうにかなりませんか。
My place will always be at Ike's side—regardless of what people want.どんなに多くの人に求められても、僕が求めるのはアイクの傍です。
You're staring at me. I dislike it.…あまり見ないでもらえますか。気分のいいものではないので…
At least there are some knowledgeable mages to learn from here. I guess that's something.ここには腕利きの魔道使いが多いので、学ぶことはあります。
Wherever my work calls me, my objective will always be the same.どこに呼ばれようと、僕がなすべきことはひとつだけ…
I suppose I've developed some genuine interest in supporting you.今となっては、僕の意思であなたを助けたいと…少しは思っています。

아군 턴 터치

Let's begin.ええ
I'll settle this.片付けます

캐릭터 페이지로