고격전통의 바람술사 세네리오/대사


My name is Soren. I am a mage. This outfit may signify that, but my magic is just as strong in any clothing.僕はセネリオ――魔道士です。これは名のある学院のローブらしいですね。魔道の習得に服装など関係ありませんが。

If magic was originally designed to fight dragons, the designers were fools. Look at the conflict it's led to.竜に対抗するために授けた魔道の力で結局は人と人が争うことになった……愚かにして、救いがたいことです。
I learned magic before I learned to speak. You could say magic is more my native tongue than any language.僕は言葉の代わりに魔道を身に付けました。皆さんとは順序が逆なんです。話し言葉のほうが、魔道より難解です。
Who did she mean by "green-haired wind mage"? Sothe has green hair and is called Zephyr, but he's no mage...僕と共通点のある魔道士がいるそうです。緑髪の風使い…緑風を名乗る盗賊なら知っていますが…
Did you need something?何かご用ですか。
I have been asked to stand in as an instructor, so I am compiling my notes on wind magic.指導に立ってみないかとの申し出を受けて資料をまとめています。まずは風魔法の体系について僕の持論を――

친구 방문

I have something for you. It's from [Friend]. Here.[フレンド]からです。確かにお渡ししました。では、これで失礼します。

레벨 업

It doesn't matter where or how you learn to fight. As long as you defeat your enemy.学院での学びでも、戦場での戦いでも、敵を倒せるのならどちらでも構いません。
A leader can't afford to obsess over small details. Focus on the full scope of the battlefield.個々の戦いに執着せず、常に戦場全体を把握してください。それが指揮を預かる者のつとめです。
Don't let your feelings get in the way. We will move past this.不機嫌という気持ちは不要です。捨て置きましょう。


If I am to use this, then I would first like to know precisely what you expect me to do with it.それで、僕はどうすればいいんです?具体的な指示をお願いします。期待には応えたいので。

5성 40레벨 달성

I probably don't need to reiterate this, but just in case you need a reminder... We are not friends.
I'm sure that doesn't trouble you terribly much. I've noticed you have no shortage of allies.
Personally, I have no need for that. My loyalty lies with only one person. He is why I cooperate with you.
For whatever it's worth, I do find you curious. Many seem to adore you, even though you use them as pawns.
I wonder if that is the result of some kind of power. And if so, what I might learn by studying you.
So, for the time being, consider us to be...close acquaintances. I will look forward to working more with you.





오의 발동

You've lost.勝てませんよ
Your last mistake.見誤りましたね
This is the end!これで決めます


Guess that's that...こんな…ものか…


Another festival? I'm not much for social gatherings.また祭りですか。騒がしいのは苦手なんですが…
Are you trying to get a rise out of me? Really?…いい加減にしてください。痛い目を見たいんですか?
I'm not opposed at all to learning. I'd simply prefer to do it on my own.学びたいとは思いますが、他人と一緒なのはちょっと…
I didn't learn magic by choice. Still, I consider myself fortunate to have the ability.好きで学んだ訳ではありませんが、魔道が使えてよかったとは思います。
I will study any magic that has the potential to be useful to Ike.アイクの役に立てるような、新しい魔道を学びたいものです。
Magic is a tool for survival. Nothing more.僕にとっては、魔道は生きるための手段にすぎない…
If it will benefit you to learn from my wisdom, I suppose I can spare the time.学んだ知識を、多少はあなたのためにも使ってあげますよ。

아군 턴 터치

I'll handle it.処理します

캐릭터 페이지로