새벽을 달리는 바람 사자/대사


I'm Sothe, of the Dawn Brigade, here to protect Micaiah. Where is she?俺は【暁の団】のサザ。ミカヤを守るためにここへ来た。案内してくれ。

Ensuring Micaiah is safe and we are together... That's everything to me.ミカヤを護り……共に生きる。それが俺の全てだ。
After the war, Crimea was stretched thin and struggled to remain stable. They couldn't worry about Daein too.戦後のクリミアは不安定だと聞く。くわえてデインまで押さえておくような余裕はなかったんだろうさ。
It's not smart to overexert yourself. You should rest, please...無理はするなよ。
I feel partial to the Dawn Brigade, but if it comes down to it, Micaiah's safety is what matters most to me.【暁の団】のことも大事だが……いよいよ無理だという時には何があろうとミカヤの無事を優先する。
You can manage most things with a sharp knife.一振りの短剣があれば大抵のことはこなせる。

친구 방문

Don't worry. There's someone who will vouch for me by the name of [Friend].
A contact of yours, right?

레벨 업

I'm prepared to cut anyone down who stands in our way!俺たちの、未来のために……!
I don't take orders. The Dawn Brigade will protect the people of Daein. It's why it exists.誰の指図も受けない。【暁の団】はこれまで通りのやり方でデインの民を助ける。
I only do as you say.あんたがそう言うなら、俺はそのとおりにするだけさ。


If this is what's meant to be...それなら、そういうことで。

5성 40레벨 달성

I'm afraid I can't hide it from you, so I might as well just tell you...
Micaiah has looked the same ever since she found me when I was little. She doesn't age normally, you see...
She's spent her whole life hiding, concealing what others see as cursed blood.
But despite their persecutions, she was resolved to end people's suffering after the war.
That's why she started the Dawn Brigade, to protect the people of Daein. And I will protect her.
Micaiah is more important to me than my comrades or anyone in Daein.





오의 발동

This ends here.ここまでだ
Too slow.遅いな
For the future...未来のために…
I'll never let go of hope!希望は捨てない!


But I have more...俺は…まだ…


A new weapon... A new me.新しい武器…生まれ変わったような気分だ。
Hey! Keep your hands to yourself.うわっ!? おい…服のベルトを引っ張るなよ…
I am brimming with power.体の内側から力がみなぎってくる…
To be honest, I don't care about the gods. They have nothing to do with me.神がどうだとか、俺には関わりたくもない話だ。
I've always chosen to fight for the smaller things in life and the people close to me.俺はもっと身近で、もっと小さいもののために命をかける。
Together, Micaiah and I will fight for our future.ミカヤ…、傍にいる。俺たちはずっと一緒だ。
Thanks to you, I'm stronger than ever. I'm truly grateful.あんたのおかげで強くなれた。感謝してるよ。

아군 턴 터치

Your orders?指示をくれ
I'll take them down.仕留めてみせるさ

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