새벽의 질풍 사자/대사


I'm Sothe, of the Dawn Brigade. I don't know too much about what's going on here, but I'd like to help out.俺は【暁の団】のサザ。怪盗の祭りか…よく知らないが、俺でよければ協力させてくれ。

If we're stealing from the rich to give to the poor, then count me in.詳しくは知らないが…私利私欲じゃなく貧しい人々のために盗むのが怪盗らしい。それなら、俺たちも同じだ。
Beast tribe laguz tend to be quiet and agile. Lots of them could be great thieves, if they chose to.ラグズの獣牙族は、足音を立てずに忍び寄る技術に長けている。怪盗に役に立ちそうな技能だな。
Someday, I hope we live in a world where stealing is unnecessary. And unheard of.本当は盗みをしなくても生きていける世の中が一番いい。早く、そんな世の中が来るといいな。
These clothes are as comfortable as they are functional. I'm tempted to just wear them all the time.普段から動きやすい格好をしているがこの装束はとくに動きやすいな。【暁の団】でも使いたいくらいだ。
If you need a lock handled, let me know. I've been picking them for most of my life.鍵開けなら任せておいてくれ。生きるために必要に迫られて身につけた技術だがな。

친구 방문

I'm Sothe. Here for the festivities, on [Friend]'s orders.俺はサザ。今は[フレンド]の命で怪盗の祭りに参加している。

레벨 업

Slow. Too slow. I'm falling asleep over here.遅いな。そんなにのろまじゃあくびが出る…
No sweat. I could have handled this even without my thieving skills.この程度なら造作もない。一流の怪盗でなくてもな。
Guess I got careless...油断があったということか。


For me? Don't mind if I do.この宝はもらっていく。それが怪盗の流儀なんだろう?

5성 40레벨 달성

I saw some children messing around in the square earlier. Playing at being thieves.
Their game was all about stealing the silver and gold from the villains and giving it over to the needy.
It's amazing to me that we all know stealing is wrong, but at the same time, that feels like justice.
I think we can all agree that what we really want is a world where no one has to steal to survive or be happy.
In a world like that, thieves would only exist in celebrations like this one.
But speaking of—the party's still on, right? Let's keep it going a bit longer. I want Micaiah to have some fun too.





오의 발동

What's yours is mine.もらっていくぞ
You brought this on yourself.恨むなよ
I'll get the goods.隠しても無駄だ


I messed up...ちっ…しくじった……


Taking to give to folks in need isn't theft. It's doing the right thing.怪盗? 困っている人々のために盗む…義賊みたいなもんか。
You again? Don't you ever get bored of doing that?うわっ!? またか? あんたも飽きないなあ。
I'm not after anything in particular, but I would like to nab something for Micaiah.欲しいものなんて特にない。強いて言うならミカヤが喜ぶものかな。
Most nobles get rich by trampling on commoners. I'll take whatever I can from them.平民を踏みつけてのうのうと生きてる貴族からならいくらでも盗めるさ。
All dressed up in black. Should help me blend in to the shadows as I go about my business.…怪盗っていうのは黒い服を着るものなのか? たしかに目立たないな…
Our goal's to make the world a place where nobody has to steal to survive.生きるために盗む…そんなことをしなくていい世界をきっと作ってみせる。
You should learn how to pick a lock. Never know when that could come in handy.あんたも鍵開けの仕方くらい覚えとけ。いつか役に立つかもだろ?

아군 턴 터치

Make up your mind.どっちだよ
It's mine now.いただきだ

캐릭터 페이지로