녹풍 사자/대사


I'm Sothe. I may not have any special powers, but I'll do my best. We need to protect those who matter to us.俺はサザ。伝承の中の勇者のように特別な力や才能があるわけじゃないが、大切な者を守るために、あんたに力を貸す。

When I heard I was in another world, well... I prepared for the worst. Truth is, it doesn't seem so different.
About the only thing I miss is the cooking. Ours is better.
No matter where I end up, no matter who I'm with...it won't change who I am or what I have to do.
It doesn't change what matters to me, either.
One look at you and I can see that you're exhausted.
If our tactician is about to keel over... What does that do for morale?
Go and splash your face with some cold water. That should do the trick.
I don't care who you are. If you do anything to hurt Micaiah, you'll answer to me. Got it?あんたが何者だろうと構わないが、ミカヤに危害を加えるようなことがあったら許さないからな。わかったな?
I was just sharpening my knives. You've got to be ready for anything, and you can only rely on yourself.ああ、あんたか。丁度短剣の手入れをしていたところだ。いざって時に頼れるのは結局自分だからな。

친구 방문

Don't ask me why they picked me, out of everybody, but I have a message from [Friend].[フレンド]から伝言を伝えにきたぞ。…クソ、なんだって俺がこんなこと。

레벨 업

There we go. I'll be able to keep up the pace.いい感じだな。これで足を引っ張るってこともないだろう。
That's about what I expected. I'll keep working hard.まぁ、こんなものだろう。次はもう少し上手くやるさ。
That's it? I need to get stronger!くそっ、やっぱり俺じゃ駄目なのか。もっと力が欲しいのに!


What's this? Guess I learned something. Hope it's useful.ん? 何か覚えたみたいだな。使える技だといいけどな。

5성 40레벨 달성

Micaiah and I don't really look alike? Well, of course we don't. We're not related by blood.
When I was a kid, Micaiah took me by the hand. All she wanted was for me to not have to cry anymore...
She held me tight. That's when we became a family.
Our bond is thicker than blood. No matter what, we support one another. We trust each other completely.
When I see you fight alongside Alfonse and the others, never asking for any kind of reward...
Well, if I squint, it's almost like looking at Micaiah.
I can't say I really trust you just yet. Not like I trust her.
That said, I've come to believe in you. Why? Because you fight for the people. I can trust in that.
ん? 俺とミカヤがあまり似ていないって?そりゃそうだろう。俺たちに血の繋がりはないからな。




I messed up...しくじった…

오의 발동

I've made up my mind.覚悟は決めている
I have to fight!退けない理由がある
I'm fighting for survival!生き残るためだ
I'll defeat you!あんたを倒す


If I only...had power...俺に…力があれば…


I'm Sothe of the Dawn Brigade.暁の団の、サザだ。
Wha--?! Sometimes, I just don't understand why you do the things you do...なっ!? …あんたのすることは訳が分からないな。
I swore to protect Micaiah. Even if it means fighting Commander Ike...ミカヤは俺が守る。相手がたとえアイク団長でも…
If you hold strong to your feelings, you will get what you want.揺るぎない想いを持っていれば…きっと叶う
I may not have any special powers, but I've been told I have a fire inside.俺に特別な力はない。あるのは想いだけだ。
I owe Commander Ike my life... I want to be just like him.あの人は…アイク団長は、俺の恩人で、目標なんだ。
Don't leave my side. I'll protect you with all I've got.いつも傍にいてくれ。俺が全力で護るから…

아군 턴 터치

What are you thinking?どうする?
Gotta stay on guard.警戒しないとな

공격 - 신장

No escape逃がすか

피격 - 신장

I'm not done...まだだ…

오의 발동 - 신장

I'm prepared to cut you down.前に進む
For Micaiah.ミカヤの為に…
Let's go!上出来だ
No choice but to break through.突破するしかない

패배 - 신장


상태창 - 신장

Don't let the outfit fool you. It's Sothe.サザだ。着るものを変えたからって、俺は別に変わらないさ。
Huh? Aww...but stealth is my specialty...わっ!? …悔しいな、気配を消すのは俺も得意なんだが…
Beorc and Laguz are just different species. One isn't better than the other.ベオクとラグズ、種族が違うだけでどっちが優れてるってわけじゃない。
Ilyana talks about food here too? Heh. She hasn't changed.イレースはここでも食い物の話してるのか? 変わんないなあ…
I've changed a lot since meeting Commander Ike. His strength and beliefs...made me think.アイク団長に出会って俺は変わった。強さとか信念とか…考えさせられたよ。
I've come all this way just to protect Micaiah. I won't lose her now.ミカヤを守るため…共に生きるために戦うんだ。
You've changed me as much as the Commander has. You are a mysterious one.あんたは団長と同じくらい俺を変えた。不思議なやつだな…

아군 턴 터치 - 신장

Point the way.そっちか
With me!俺と一緒に

캐릭터 페이지로