홍련의 해적왕 수르트/대사
I am Surtr, king! This festival will be burned away until only a sea of raging flame remains! | 我はスルト。我は王なり!猛き焔を巻き起こし海原を火の海に変えてみせようぞ! |
I will see the waves aflame! All shall flee before my coming—and what is left behind is mine to take! | 我が臨むは炎の海!すべてを蹴散らし奪い尽くしてやろうぞ! |
Piracy is unheard-of in Múspell... If only for the simple reason that I incinerated all who defied me! | ムスペルには海賊など存在せぬ。王に歯向かう者どもはすべて焼き尽くしてやったわ! |
Weaklings are ill-fit for piracy. A festival like this may be suitable even for the citizens of Múspell. | 弱き者は海賊たり得ぬ。この祭りはムスペルの民と相性がよいかもしれぬな。 |
One must have sufficient strength to live free of others' restraints... What else is there to being a pirate? | 何者にも縛られぬ生き方をするには相応の力が必要となる…海賊とはそう言う存在であろう? |
My daughters could hardly believe their eyes seeing me like this. ...I fail to see what is so shocking. | 我の姿に、我が娘どもが目を丸くしておったわ。…何をそのように驚く。 |
친구 방문
Come and join the pirate festival—but do not expect that you will survive to see another sunrise! | [フレンド]の城にて海賊の祭りを執り行う。命がけで参集するがよい! |
레벨 업
I will consume the waters with flame! | 我が炎は、すべての海を焼き尽くす! |
A diversion perhaps, but I will not hold back! The sea's floor awaits the weak! | 祭りの戯れとて、容赦はせん!弱者は海の藻屑となるがよい! |
Hm... Battle at sea seems to require a different tack... | む、海の戦は勝手が違うか… |
Power is the treasure worth seeking, and we will never have enough! | 強さこそ、我が追い求める財宝よ。この航海に果てはないと知れ! |
5성 40레벨 달성
You may be one of the few with any strength—yet you do not act as such. The powerful must dominate and take what is ours by right. It is our obligation. Pirates understand this. A pirate festival is a mark of culture. I see no matter more deserving of celebration than taking by force... Free of all restraint, the pirate takes the seas by storm... Such a life would suit me well. Now, we are obligated in turn to return to the festivities—and take everything we can carry! | [召喚師]…貴様は強者ではあるが、その行いは強者にふさわしくはない。 弱者を蹂躙し奪い尽くす…それが強者の権利、義務というもの。この海賊どものようにな。 海賊祭りとは粋なものよ。力ですべてを奪う…なんとも我に相応しい祭りではないか。 なにものにも縛られず海の上を力で押し通る。海賊の生き方は響くものがある。 さあ、[召喚師]祭りを続けようぞ。力の限り、奪い続ける祭りをな! |
Reckless! | 無謀! |
不敬! |
ぐっ… | |
Impudent... | 小癪な… |
오의 발동
I'll take it all! | 奪い尽くす! |
Wail louder. | 命乞いはきかぬぞ! |
The seas take you! | 波に消えるがいい! |
Blood comes in waves! | 血の一滴までも! |
Ridiculous! | 何…だと…!? |
Ha-hahaha. | はっははは! |
I, Surtr, king of Múspell, drawn into this farce... | ムスペルの王スルトをこのような戯れに駆り出すとはな。 |
Do you not know? To touch me is to die. | 我に触れるは死を意味すると知っての事か? |
I care not if it is the ocean. I will set it all ablaze. | 海さえも我が炎の燎原としてやろうぞ。 |
I wish for the flames to grow hotter still! | 我は求める、さらなる炎を! |
The strong take from the weak. That is the order of things. | 強きが弱きから奪うは世の道理。 |
It has been a long time indeed since Múspell saw a festival. | 祭りなど我がムスペルでは久しく催さぬ。 |
Serve me, and we will take everything there is to take. | 我に命じるがよい、すべて奪い尽くせと! |
아군 턴 터치
Yes. | なるほど… |
Victory is on the wind... | 勝機! |
To the bottom with them. | 沈めてくれる |