추파를 잘 던지는 실뱅/대사


I am Sylvain Jose Gautier. And since you're counting on me, I guess I'll show you a little of what I can do.シルヴァン=ジョゼ=ゴーティエです。頼られたなら、無下にはできませんね。ひとつ、いいところを見せましょうか。

They say a Crest gives you freedom. What's free about being shackled to a power you never chose for yourself?望まぬ力を与えられ運命に縛られて生きる…それのどこに自由があるってんだ。
This place is a paradise compared to where I came from—for the food alone, if nothing else.この国は豊かですね…故郷にはない美味いものがたくさんある。楽園みたいな国ですよ。
Oh, Felix...you were so adorable, the way you'd come crying to me over every little thing. What happened?フェリクス…昔は兄貴に勝てないだの殿下と喧嘩しただの、なにかあると俺に泣きつく可愛い弟みたいだったのに。
Askr is a showcase of all the beautiful specimens you can find in other worlds. I mean the flowers, obviously.城に集う麗しの花々には驚きです。異界でも選りすぐりの美姫が揃っているんじゃないですか?
Of course I talk to a beautiful woman when I see one! What am I supposed to do, give her the cold shoulder?可愛い女の子に声をかけないほうが失礼ってもんだよな!

친구 방문

Don't mind me, just admiring the scenery. Oh, I brought supplies for you from [Friend].[フレンド]から補給物資を預かってきました…ってこの城も美人揃いじゃないですか!

레벨 업

Child's play. I'm getting better and better at this.ちょろいもんですよ。また男をあげちゃいましたね。
I could get used to this.んっ? 俺、強くなってます?この感じ、覚えておくとしましょうか。
Luck wasn't on my side this time.今回はついてなかったな


So, this is what it means to get stronger? I'm finally getting it.強くなるって、こういうことなんですね。ようやく理解できましたよ。

5성 40레벨 달성

Do you believe our fates are decided at birth, [Summoner]?
Personally, I can't stand the idea. To live your whole life according to someone else's expectations...
In my view, a life like that is nothing short of cursed.
That's why I admire Askr's Heroes. They're strong enough to defy destiny and live how they choose.
I guess fate's a heavy subject though, huh? Let's talk about something else, like... What are you doing later?
Hah! You think I'd ask you out just to avoid my insecurities? You might be too insightful for your own good.





오의 발동

Open wide!食らいやがれ!
Don't underestimate me!舐めるなよ!
Gonna need you to move!どいてもらうぜ!
Take this!受けてみな!


Can't...believe it...俺としたことが…


I'm Sylvain Jose Gautier. Feel free to say hi whenever you like.俺はシルヴァン=ジョゼ=ゴーティエ。まあ気楽に話しかけてくださいよ。
Hey, no need to push me around. I get enough of that from Ingrid.おわっ!? …なんだ、あんたか。イングリットに捕まったかと思った。
If I'm ever coming on too strong, just say the word.いってて…ぶつこたないだろ。別れ話を切り出した途端これだよ。
One thing I definitely don't miss about Faerghus is the food. Seriously, we're way behind this place.ここの料理は美味くていいですね。ファーガスの料理は不味くって…
Felix is like a little brother to me. That's why I can't take him seriously.フェリクスと俺は腐れ縁でさ、あいつ、昔は俺にべったりだったんですよ?
A Crest isn't a privilege. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.…紋章を持って生まれた俺には自由な生き方なんてないんだよ。
I guess...I joke around a lot because it's safe. If you really get to know me, you might not like what you see.あんたも俺に気があるとか? ははっ、冗談、冗談ですって。

아군 턴 터치

I'm on it.おうさ
If you say so...あんたが言うなら…
Shall we?お茶でもどう?

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