봄의 만남을 기대 실뱅/대사


I'm Sylvain Jose Gautier. I rushed here as soon as I heard about the festival! Where's all the cute bunnies?可愛い兎さんたちはどこですか!?シルヴァン=ジョゼ=ゴーティエ、春の祭りと聞いて馳せ参じました!

I bet these bunny ears would suit Dimitri too... I'll have to ask His Highness next time I see him.この兎の耳…実は殿下にも結構似合うんじゃないか?今度、試しにつけてもらおうか。
Of course the people of Faerghus were grateful for spring. It meant a welcome respite from the bitter cold.ファーガスの辺境じゃ、厳しい冬を越え生き残れたことに感謝する…それが春という季節でしたよ。
I've always enjoyed lively places! And all these gorgeous bunnies hopping around the spring festival... It's great!にぎやかな場所はもともと好きですしね。それに、華やかな兎たちもいるし春の祭りって最高じゃないですか…!
It's silly to get in your head about yourself or your nobility during the spring festival. Let's just enjoy it, eh?この陽気じゃ身分や血統なんか気にするのも馬鹿らしくなりますよ。楽しみましょう、春の祭りを。
I do look good in just about anything! Though, it's not surprising. I do put a fair amount of effort into my looks.いやあ、どんな装束も似合ってしまう俺ってすごいですよね。もちろん着こなす努力はしてますけど。

친구 방문

I made certain to deliver this to you. It's a spring-festival notice from [Friend]![フレンド]の城から春の祭りの知らせを持って来ました。このシルヴァン、確かに届けましたよ。

레벨 업

Hopping straight into such power... It must be a blessing of the bunnies!一足飛びに強くなれるなんて兎のご利益というやつですかね!
I...don't want to embarrass myself in front of the cute bunnies.可愛い兎たちに格好悪いところは見せられませんよ。
Chase after two rabbits, and you'll catch neither... I gotta remember that.二兎を追うものは一兎も得ず…か。肝に銘じておきますか。


Got it! I won't disappoint. Watch as I liven up this spring festival.わかってますって。期待は裏切りません。春の祭り、盛り上げてみせますよ。

5성 40레벨 달성

I do enjoy spring, which is said to be the season of new encounters.
Actually... This is the season I met the professor and all the Blue Lions!
So I know it to be true. Spring is about starting anew and having hope for the future...
And the festival is a springboard for this! And it's only just getting started!
There's got to be something new out there just waiting for me... Perhaps some cute bunnies!
Wanna search for some spring encounters with me, [Summoner]?





오의 발동

Smell the roses.春だぜ!
Lighten up!そらそら!
Caught you sleeping.起きろって!


That wasn't...festive...浮かれすぎたか…?


Well, that settles it. I really do look great in anything.どんな衣装でも着こなしてみせますよ! 似合うでしょう?
You're excited about the festival too, right? I didn't think you got excited about anything.おっ…? さすがのあんたも、お祭りで浮かれてるんですか?
You can tell it's spring when the ladies start wearing bright colors.春っていいですよねえ。女の子たちの装いも華やかになって。
*yawn* This is what I call napping weather.ふあ…こうあったかいと、さすがに眠くなりますねえ。
So many bunnies. What is it with women and bunnies?おお、兎がたくさん…女の子ってなんで兎が好きなんですかね?
Somehow I can't see Prince Dimitri coming to a festival like this.どうにかして殿下をこの祭りに参加させられねえかな…
Come on. Come on! Not even one time? Just repeat after me: Hippity. Hop.ほら、あんたも一緒に楽しみましょうよ。ぴょーんってね!

아군 턴 터치

You sure?そうかい
Whatcha thinkin'?どうする?
For you, anything.君、可愛いね

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