수려한 녹익 시레네/대사
I am Syrene, commander of Frelia's third battalion of pegasus knights. My sword is yours to command. | フレリアより馳せ参じました王国天馬騎士団隊長、シレーネ。この剣で、あなたの力となりましょう。 |
Vanessa, you know you don't need to call me commander when we're alone. Just call me sis... | ヴァネッサ…二人きりのときくらい隊長じゃなくて姉さんと呼んでくれてもいいのに… |
My first mission as a member of the knights was to care for Tana. Even so, those days were like bliss... | 騎士団での最初の任務はターナ様の世話役だったの。半人前の私にも、明るく打ち解けてくださいました。 |
I'm glad to see that Vanessa and Gilliam have also come to Askr. Just knowing they are here is enough to feel at ease. | ヴァネッサだけでなく、ギリアムもアスク王国に来てくれたなんて…みんながいれば心強いわ。 |
Frelia is known for a fish called the Frelian snapper. If I ever have the chance, I'd like to cook some for you. | 故郷にフレリア大魚という名物がいるの。機会があれば一度料理を振る舞いたいわ。 |
My most important mission is to protect Princess Tana. I will always be at her side. | 私にとって一番大切な任務はターナ様をお守りすること。決して、おそばを離れません。 |
친구 방문
I've come with supplies, courtesy of your friend [Friend]. | [召喚師]様ですね?[フレンド]より支援物資を預かっております。お納めを。 |
레벨 업
Calling it a secret might be a bit much, but proper rest and nutrition is key to growing stronger. | しっかり食べて寝て、休むこと。それが成長の秘訣よ。 |
No matter the battlefield, my daily training will not betray me. | 戦場が変わっても日々の鍛錬は裏切らないわ。 |
Perhaps I overdid it a little bit... | 少しだけ根を詰めすぎたかしら… |
This is for me? Thank you. I will work even harder to meet your expectations. | これを私に…? ありがとう。あなたの期待に応えなくちゃね。 |
5성 40레벨 달성
A person's true value is revealed only when they are put in a difficult situation. That is a lesson I learned from my sister, Vanessa. When our father fell ill, she gathered nuts and berries and sold them to the villagers to buy medicine for him. She saved his life, and when our mother and I could do nothing but sob in relief, she even comforted us. She says she respects me, but she's the one who's truly amazing. Nothing is too difficult for her to overcome. So I won't give up. No matter how proud of her I might be, I still won't lose to my little sister. That is how I will protect my family and those who are precious to me. | 苦境に立たされたとき人はその真価を問われる。 妹のヴァネッサから私はそれを学んだのよ。 倒れた父を救うため幼いヴァネッサは、木の実をたくさん集め村人にそれを売って薬を買ってきた。 ヴァネッサは、なにもできずにただ泣いている母さんと私を慰めその薬で父を救ったの。 妹は私を尊敬しているというけど本当にすごいのは…苦境を跳ね返す妹のほうなの。 だから自慢の妹に負けないよう私もあきらめないわ。家族と大切な人々を守れるように。 |
- | はっ |
- | たあっ |
- | ああっ… |
- | やるわね… |
오의 발동
Now! | いくわよ! |
Steel yourself! | 覚悟はいい? |
For the honor of Frelia! | フレリアの誇りを…! |
I will protect you! | お守りします! |
Vanessa... | ここまでか…ヴァネッサ… |
- | ふふっ |
I am Syrene, commander of Frelia's pegasus knights. | 私はシレーネ。フレリア王国天馬騎士団で隊長を務めております。 |
What the—is this how you entertain yourself? | きゃあっ…!? まあ、誰かと思ったら。いけない人ね。 |
I am very proud of my sister Vanessa. I only wish she were more confident. | ヴァネッサは私の自慢の妹なの。もっと自信をもってほしいんだけど… |
Princess Tana has grown a great deal. I suppose I have you to thank for that as well. | ターナ様もずいぶんご立派になられたわ。あなたのおかげかしら? |
When you face a difficult circumstance, your true self emerges. | 予想外の苦境に遭った時、人はその真価を問われるものなのね。 |
To be rescued by Prince Innes was like something out of a dream. | ヒーニアス様に助けていただけるなんて…夢を見ているよう…… |
I promise to protect you. | あなたの命は、私が必ず守ります。 |
아군 턴 터치
Awaiting orders. | わかったわ |
Hm... | ええと… |
Fortune follow us. | ご武運を! |