떠들썩한 다과회 틸튜/대사
Welcome to Tailtiu's Tea Time! You'll be faithfully served today by yours truly, in one of my cutest outfits ever! | ようこそ、ティルテュのお茶会へ!今日はとっても可愛い服でみんなをおもてなししちゃうからね! |
Askr's tea sure is tasty! Maybe I could sneak some back to Friege... Oh, and some of these cookies too! | アスク王国のお茶って美味しいんだね。フリージに持って帰りたいくらい。あっ、もちろんお菓子も美味しいよ! |
Sharing delicious tea together is way better than wasting time fighting each other. Don't you agree? | 戦争なんかより、みんなが笑ってお茶を楽しめるほうが絶対いいよね。あなたもそう思うでしょ? |
Ta-dah! Isn't this outfit the cutest thing you've ever seen? I wonder what Father Claud would think... | じゃーん! 似合う? この装束!とーっても可愛いでしょー!神父様に見せたら喜んでくれるかな? |
I can guarantee these sweet treats are tasty! How? Um, I may have had had a nibble or two myself... | お菓子も用意してあるからね。味は保証つきだよ!…さっきつまみ食いしちゃったからね。 |
How about if I heat the teapot up with a few zaps? Aw, why not? It's a great idea! | 魔道でお湯を温めるのはどうかな?え? そういうのはダメ?いい考えだと思ったんだけどなー。 |
친구 방문
Hi, I'm Tailtiu! I'm working a tea party at [Friend]'s place! Stop by if you get the chance! | あたしはティルテュ。[フレンド]の城でお茶会を開いてるの。あなたもどうかな? |
레벨 업
Woohoo! The tea turned out great. I'd love to brew some for the folks back in Friege. | うんうん、いい感じのお茶が入ったよ!フリージのみんなにも振る舞いたいな。 |
Smiles are kind of contagious. When I see one, I can't help but smile back! | みんなの喜ぶ顔を見てるとこっちもうれしくなっちゃう! |
Oh NO! I think I scalded the tea! Ugh, this is the worst... | あれっ!? お湯が熱すぎた!?もう、やんなっちゃう! |
I think I'm starting to get this whole "tea-brewing" thing. I can tell my next pot is going to be the best one yet! | コツを掴んだみたい!次はもっと美味しいお茶を淹れるね! |
5성 40레벨 달성
Oh, hi! What did you think of Tailtiu's Tea Time, [Summoner]? Hope you had as much fun as I did! Don't get me wrong, it always feels good to get praise for my magic... But it's such a thrill to hear people compliment the tea I've made and see them smile! I want to invite even more people to Tailtiu's Tea Time, and I won't rest until they're all beaming! Hmm, whom would I invite... Father, Father Claud, Azelle... Heehee, and that's just the beginning! If I could help everyone become better friends with my tea, I'd be the happiest girl in the world! | [召喚師]!ティルテュのお茶会楽しんでくれたかなー? 魔道の腕を褒めてもらうのももちろんうれしいんだけど…。 こうしてお茶を淹れて美味しいって喜んでもらえるのはまた違ったうれしさがあるのよね! あたし、もっとたくさんの人をお茶会に呼んでみんなに笑顔になってほしいの! お父様や神父様やアゼル…それにそれに、いっぱいの人たちを呼びたいな。 ティルテュのお茶会でみんながもっと仲良くなってくれたらなぁ。それが叶えば、あたしは大満足だよー! |
- | やっ! |
Voilà! | ほらっ! |
- | きゃっ! |
- | いたっ! |
오의 발동
Time for tea! | お茶の時間よ! |
Right away! | おつぎしま~す! |
Isn't it delicious? | どう、おいしい? |
Time for my break! | あたしも食べちゃお! |
I spilled everything... | やだ…こぼしちゃった… |
- | うふふっ |
Welcome to Tailtiu's Tea Time! *giggle* How does that sound? | ようこそティルテュのお茶会へ~! うふふ、似合う? |
*startle* I wasn't sneaking food, I promise! | !? な、なに? つまみ食いなんてしてないもん。 |
I think even Father Claud would enjoy being served by someone this cute, don't you? | こんなに可愛い服でおもてなしされたら、神父様もイチコロよね。 |
The worst thing would be if nobody showed up. *sigh* | ふぁーあ…。お客様がこないとたいくつ… |
These cakes are delicious. Really delicious. | このお菓子、美味しい! 気に入っちゃった。 |
I wish my father and grandmother could enjoy a tea party like this. | お父様やおばあちゃまとも、こんなふうにお茶会できたらな… |
There you are. Sit yourself down! It's time for a full tea service. | さあさあ、座って! 今日はたっぷりご奉仕しちゃう! |
아군 턴 터치
It's ready! | はーい |
Uh, who was next? | どこだっけ? |
Here I am! | ただいま! |